Grant of Leave to Probationary officers appearing in CSE/ESE – Railway Board

Grant of Leave to Probationary officers appearing in CSE/ESE – Railway Board

Grant of Leave to Probationary officers appearing in CSE/ESE – Railway Board


No.98/E(Trg)I 19I 2-PT

New Delhi, Dt: 26.02.2021

The Director Generals,
All Central Training Institutes.

Sub: Grant of Leave to Probationary officers appearing in CSE/ESE.

Ref: Rly. Board’s letters of even No. Dated 27.04.2016 & 08.12.2017.

In terms of Railway Board’s orders dated 27.04.2016 & 08.12.2017, probationary officers who join railway services and wish to appear in subsequent recruitment examination(s) have been granted provision of one year EoL to pursue their career prospects. The candidates, immediately on reporting at the CTIs to join as Probationary officers, shall have to necessarily give a declaration regarding their intention to appear in the one next / subsequent recruitment examination. The probationers will be given two options for giving such declarations:

i) Declaration ‘A’ : Those who plan to appear in the one next recruitment examination to improve their career prospects must apply in writing to the Head of the CTI requesting for grant of one year EOL.

ii) Declaration ‘B’ : Those probationers who do not intend to appear for the next or any subsequent CSE/ ESE etc. shall give declaration to that effect and they will be allowed to undergo training with immediate effect.

1.1. Probationary officers preferring option “B’ are not permitted to appear in any examination during their 78-week probationary training. However, they are free to appear in any examination on successful completion of the 78-week training.

2. On receipt of representations, the matter has been reviewed and in partial modification of the instructions issued vide Board’s orders dated 27.04.2016 & 08.12.2017, it has now been decided that candidates of various railway services will

i) be permitted to avail Extra Ordinary Leave(EoL) for one year for appearing in competitive exams, and / or

ii) be permitted to appear in competitive exams during their probationary training and shall be granted leave for appearing in the CSE/ ESE and preparation of the examination to the extent possible.

3. CTIs shall ensure that every probationary officer 1s informed of the above instructions, under their clear acknowledgement.

4. These modified instructions shall be applicable to the railway Probationary officers up to 2019 exam batch.

(Jitendra Kumar)
Dy. Director, Estt(Training)
Railway Board
Tele : 23047251

Copy to:

i. The General Managers, All Indian Railways/PUs.
ii. The Director General, RDSO, Lucknow.
iii. EDE(GC), Railway Board for information and making necessary changes in officer of appointment in consultation with Training Dte. please.
iv. E(GR)-I, E(GR)-II, E(O)-I, F(E)-Spl branches of Railway Board.


Source: Railway Board


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