GDS – Granting two annual additional Increment on completion of 12, 24, 36 years of service/ One Lakh annual Health Insurance/ Accummulation of 180 days leave

GDS – Granting two annual additional Increment on completion of 12, 24, 36 years of service/ One Lakh annual Health Insurance/ Accummulation of 180 days leave

GDS – Granting two annual additional Increment on completion of 12, 24, 36 years of service/ One Lakh annual Health Insurance/ Accummulation of 180 days leave

Federation of National Postal Organizations
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi.
National Union of Gramin Dak Sevaks
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi.

Opposition Dharna in front of all Chief Post Masters General offices



1) To implement the recommendation of Kamalesh Chandra Committee that GDS employees should be granted 2 annual additional increments on completion of 12, 24,36 years of service.

2) To implement one Lakh Rupees annual Health insurance scheme to GDS employees and family members.

3) To implement the recommendation of Kamalesh Chandra Committee to allow accumulation of 180 days leave and to pay cash equalent to the leave at credit at the time of discharge.

4) To permit GDS employees to engage substitutes in emergency leave. and to grant TRCA for such substitute by the Department.

5) To issue ID cards to all GDS employees as ordered vide Directorate No.17-31/2016-GDS Dtd 17.10.2018.

6) To bring to effect Order No.17-1/2017-GDS Dtd 30.05.2017 of DOP Item No. 3(d).ftem No.8(b.c), Item No. 13(b, d) regarding dependents engagement. correctly.

7) While notifying GDS vacancies, the posts is to be filled up on request transfer may be considered first and then only the other vaccancies notified.

8) Non considering rejected GDS compassionate appointment cases by many Circles even after instructions by Directorate. Consider all cases in time bound manner.

9) Severance amount should be paid minimum Rupees 1,50,000.00 to all GDS who opted for SDBS and discharged or died.

Dear Collegues,

Kamalesh Chandra committee recommendations are brought to effect from 2018 July. Even on lapse of 32 months, the Department of Post has not come forward to settle the legitimate demands, by implementing very important recommendations.

Though several discussions were conducted with the Department by the NUGDS and the Federation, no progress is seen. Peaceful discussions did not give any fruitful result which has lead us to move with agitation programmes. It is decided to conduct one day’s opposition Dharna in front of all Circle offices all over India on 24.03.2021.

All Circles are requested to make the programme a grand success. Detailed instructions connected with the programme will be given shortly.

Your fraternally.

P.U. Muraledharan
(General Secretary)

(Secretary General)

To All General Secretaries – FNPO
All Circle Secretaries FNPO Affiliated


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