18th Postal Sports Board for the term 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2023 – inviting of Circle nominees
File No.2-01/2021-WL&Sports
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Welfare & Sports Section
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
No. 2-01/2021-WL&Sports
Dated: 05 .03.2021
All Heads of Postal Circles
Subject: Formation of 18 Postal Sports Board for the term 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2023 — inviting of Circle nominees.
A reference is invited to this office letter Order No. 2-01/2019-WL&Sports dated 25.07.2019 vide which the 17th Postal Sports Board had been formed. In this regard, it is to inform that the term of the 17th Postal Sports Board will expire on 31.03.2021 and a new Board has to be formed for a further period of two years, w.e.f 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2023.
2. It is, therefore, requested to forward the names of THREE (03) (not less) officials from your Circle duly recommended by the Head of Circle for consideration for nomination in the Postal Sports Board in the consolidated proforma (enclosed as Annexure-A) along with their Bio-data in the proforma (enclosed as Anneéxure-B), latest by 20th March 2021. In the process of finalizing nominations, preference may be given to sportsperson/officials having experience/interest/aptitude in sports/cultural activities.
This may kindly be given “PRIORITY”.
Encl: As above
(Daisy Barla)
Director (Welfare &Sports)
Copy to:
The General Manager, CEPT, Mysore with the request to upload the same on the website of the Department under Welfare & Sports.
18th Postal Sports Board (01.04.2021 to 31.03 .2023)
(For nomination of Circle Representative)
Name of the Circle ————————–
Sl. No. |
Name of the Officer/Official | Designation & Office address |
Date of Birth/Date of Retirement | Educational and Sports Qualification | Whether he/she is/was member of Postal Sports Board (Central PSB/Circle PSB) |
Achievement in Sports and Cultural field | Remarks |
1. | |||||||
2. | |||||||
3. |
(Twenty three members: One person to be nominated as member from each of the 23 Circle by the Chairman of the Postal Sports Board from amongst a panel of three names to be recommended by the President of each Circle Postal Sports Board from amongst the members of the respective Circle Board)
Sl. No. | Information | Details |
1. | Name of the Official/Officer | |
2. | Designation & Office Address | |
3. | Date of Birth | |
4. | Date of Retirement | |
5. | Education Qualifications | |
6. | Details of experience in Sports activities in the Department | |
7. | Whether recruited under Sports Quota, if yes please intimate the particular Sporting event for which recruited | |
8. | Whether contributed to the game as a Coach, referee, field supervisor etc. | |
9. | Whether he/She was member of the Postal Sports Board in the past. If yes, Please give details | |
10. | Achievement in Sports activities | |
11. | Achievement in Cultural activities field | |
12. | Details of any experience in the Department participated or organized sports events etc. | |
13. | Details of any Awards or recognitions like Sports Awards or Awards in All India Postal Tournament or Cultural Event etc. | |
14. | Remarks |
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