Withdrawal of Empanelment of ILS Hospital Agartala from CGHS

Withdrawal of Empanelment of ILS Hospital Agartala from CGHS

Withdrawal of Empanelment of  ILS Hospital Agartala from CGHS

स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय / Ministry of Health and Family Welfar
अपर निदेशक का कार्यालय / Office of the Additional Director
केन्द्रीय सरकार स्वास्थ्य योजना / Central Govt. Health Scheme
नांग्रीम हिल्‍स, शिलांग – 793 003/ Nongrim Hills, Shillong – 793 003

No. CGHS/ESTT/HOSP/67 /3077-84

Dated: 04th Feb, 2021


Subject: Withdrawal of Empanelled Hospital under CGHS Agartala CGHS Agartala

It is inform to all the stake holders of CGHS Agartala that the only Multi Specialties Pvt. Hospital in Agartala, Tripura, The ILS Hospital Agartala has NOT renewed the Memorandum of Agreements (MOA) as Empanelled Hospital with CGHS  Agartala under Shillong w.e.f. 23/07/2019.

They have already expressed their inability to continue extending the all available facilities/services at CGHS Guwahati Rate – 2014 and providing credit facilities to eligible beneficiaries. Therefore ILS Hospital Agartala is mo more empanelled under CGHS Agartala.

Since there is no other alternative and no other Pvt. Hospital is available in Agartala, Tripura, in the larger interest of the CGHS Beneficiaries of Agartala, CGHS Shillong has compelled to and keeps requesting ILS Hospital Agartala authorities to extend whatever the facilities/services they can extend and provide credit facilities to CGHS Pensioners in Agartala, Tripura for the better benefit of our beneficiaries.

On our request ILS Hospital, Agartala is extending some facilities /services whatever they can extend as per CGHS Guwahati Rate-2014 to the beneficiaries of Agartala but Credit facilities are not given to eligible beneficiaries.

Additional Director
CGHS Shillong


  1. Chairman, CGEWCC, O/o AG (A&E), Agartala, Tripura. CGHS, Shillong
  2. Secretary, Central Civil Pensioners Association, Agartala, Tripura
  3. All the stake holders of CGHS Agartala.

Copy for information to:-

  1. Director CGHS, CGHS Directorate, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
  2. Addl. DDG(HQ), CGHS Directorate, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
  3. MCTC, CGHS Wellness Centre, first Floor, Kali Bari, New Delhi-110001- please upload in the CGHS website.
  4. ILS Hospital, Agartala- with a request to continue the services at the maximum possible as per CGHS Guwahati rate-2014.
  5. CMO I/C, CGHS WC Agartala.

Additional Director
CGHS Shillong


Source: CGHS

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