Pariksha Pe Charcha – 2021: Participate & Get an Opportunity to Interact with Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi

Pariksha Pe Charcha – 2021: Participate & Get an Opportunity to Interact with Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi

Pariksha Pe Charcha – 2021: Participate & Get an Opportunity to Interact with Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi

केन्‍द्रीय माध्‍यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड
(शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के अधीन एक स्‍वायत्‍त संगठन)
(An Autonomous Organisation under the Ministry of Edcation, Govt. of India)

No. : CBSE/DIR/ACAD/2021/

Date: 18.02.2021

Circular No.: Acad-17/2021

All Heads of Schools Affiliated to CBSE

SUBJECT: – Pariksha Pe Charcha – 2021

The 4th edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha, the unique interactive program of Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi with students, teachers and parents will be held through online mode in the 3rd week of March, 2021 by adhering to the COVID-19 protocols.

2. A selected 2000 students will get an opportunity to directly participate in the event. In order to select 2000 participants for the online event, an online creative writing competition is being conducted at on various topics (Annexure-I) during 18th February to 14th March 2021 for children studying in classes of 9 to 12, teachers and parents.

3. All participants will receive a certificate signed by Director, NCERT and students selected to participate directly in the main event of Pariksha Pe Charcha 2021 shall be rewarded with a special kit.

4. In this context, you are requested to kindly arrange the following:

a. Display the attached banners of Pariksha Pe Charcha 2021 on prominent places in your school and also during online classes by the teachers.

b. You may propagate and promote this significant initiative towards reducing exam stress among students, teachers and parents.

c. Ensure that the information about Pariskha Pe Charcha is shared with all students, teachers and parents.

d. Ensure maximum registration of students from Classes IX – XII, teachers and parents in the online creative writing competition being conducted at from 18th February to 14th March 2021 to avail of the chance of being selected for this event.

Let us join hands in celebrating the Utsav of examinations, “Pariksha Pe Charcha 2021” in order to bring joy in learning for our future nation-builders.

Dr. Joseph Emmanuel
Director (Academics)

Annexure – I

Topics for Creative Writing Competition on


Topic 1: Exams like festivals, celebrate them
Activity: Draw a scene depicting a festival around your favorite subject. (Upload your painting in .jpeg or .pdf format, Maximum file size allowed is 4 MB)

Topic 2: India is Incredible, Travel and Explore
Activity: Imagine your friend visits your city for three days. What memories would you create for him or her in each of the following categories:

  • Places to See.
  • Food to Relish.
  • Experience to remember.

Topic 3: As one Journey Ends, Another Begins
Activity: Describe the most memorable experiences of your school life.

Topic 4: Aspire, Not to Be, but to Do
Activity: If there was no restriction on resources or opportunities, what would you do for society and why? Submit a write up

Topic 5: Be Grateful
Activity: Write ‘Gratitude Cards’ for those whom you are grateful to.


Topic: Online Education System – Its benefits and how it can be improved further.


Topic 1: Your Words Make Your Child’s World – Encourage, As You Have Always Done
Activity: Write a story about the vision you share with your child for his or her future. Let your child write the first sentence. Then you write the next and so on.

Topic 2: Be Your Child’s Friend – Keep Depression Away
Activity: Write a postcard to your child and let him or her know why they are special.


Source: Click here to view/download PDF

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