Sexual Harassment of working women in work place – Department of Revenue (Hqrs) Reconstituted Internal Complaint Cell

Sexual Harassment of working women in work place – Department of Revenue (Hqrs) Reconstituted Internal Complaint Cell

Sexual Harassment of working women in work place – Department of Revenue (Hqrs) Reconstituted Internal Complaint Cell

F. No. O-21030/15/2010-Coord
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
(Coordination Section)

New Delhi, 31st December, 2020


Subject: Reconstitution of Internal Complaint Cell in the Department of Revenue (Hqrs) in pursuance of Supreme Court’s order in prevention of sexual harassment of working women in the work place – regarding.

The undersigned is directed to state that in supersession of this office OM No. 7/25/2005-Coord dated 20th September, 2007 and subsequent OM of even number dated 9th October, 2020 on the above mentioned Subject, the Internal Complaint Cell of Department of Revenue is re-constituted as under:-

1. Ms. Iimabindu Mudumbai, Joint Secretary (Admn), CBIC Chairperson
2. Ms. Mecnal Bhosale, Additional Commissioner, OSD-CX, CBIC Member
3. Shri D.K. Verma. Deputy Secretary (Ad-VI), CBDT, Department of Revenue Member
4. Mirs. Kuljit Kaur, Secretary Gencral, All India Women’s Conference, Sarojini House, 6, Bhagwandas Road. New Delhi. Member
5. Ms. Aashwita Lal, Director Headquarter, CBDT Member
6. Shri Xavier Toppo. Under Secrctary-(Coord), Department of Revenue Member
7. Ms. Rita Mal, Under Sceretary- (Cash), Department of Revenue Member Secretary

2. As per the directions issued by Cabinet Secretariat vide letter no.1/109/7/2009-T’S dated 7th August, 2009, the Complaint Review cell is requested to hold quarterly meeting of the complaint even if there are no complaints and review the state of preparedness to deal with such complaint reviewed as also measures to be taken to make all officers fully aware of their responsibilities in this regard.

3. All concerned are advised to contact the Chairperson/Member of the Complaint Cell, for redressal of their grievances, if any.

4. ‘This issues with the approval of Finance Scerctary.

5. Hindi version is enclosed.

(Lalit Wadhwa)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel: 2309-2282

All offices/Sections of Department of Revenue

Copy to:

  1. Ms. Himabindu Mudumbai, JS (Admn), CBIC

  2. Ms. Meenal Bhosale, Additional Commissioner, OSC-CX,. CBIC,

  3. Shri. D.K. Verma, Deputy Secretary (Ad-VI), CBDT
    Deparment of Revenuc.

  4. Mrs. kuljit Kaur, All India Women’s Conference,
    Sarojini House, 6, Bhagwandas Road, New Delhi.

  5. Ms. Aashwita Lal. Director Headquarter, CBDT

  6. Ms. Rita Mal. US (Cash). DoR

  7. Shri Xavier Toppo, Under Sccretary-(Coord), DoR

  8. US-GAR – for uploading the order on the Website of DoR.


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