APARs 2019-20: Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of Central Public Enterprises (CPSEs)

APARs 2019-20: Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of Central Public Enterprises (CPSEs)

APARs 2019-20: Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of Central Public Enterprises (CPSEs)

F.No. 5(1)/2018-MGMT
Government of India
Ministry Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises

Block No.14, CGO Complex,
Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003
Dated the 30th December, 2020


Subject: Extension in prescribed timelines for writing Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of top management incumbents of Central Public Enterprises (CPSEs) for the year 2019-20

The undersigned is directed to state that keeping in view the prevalent situation, it has been decided to extend the time-lines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs in the following manner.

Activity Revised Cutoff date
Appraisal by Reporting Authority 1st March, 2021
Appraisal by Reviewing Authority 15th March, 2021
Appraisal by Accepting Authority 31st March, 2021

2. In line with provision earlier prescribed vide O.M. of even no. dated 23 June, 2020 (copy enclosed), the Reporting/ Reviewing/Accepting Authority, who demitted office between 29th February, 2020 to 31st January, 2021, shall also be allowed to record PAR for the year 2019-20 beyond the extant time-line of one month after their demission of office as per the above extended time-lines.

3. The afore-said relaxation is a one-time measure only for APARs for the year 2019-20.

4. The Ministry/Department of is requested to take note of the above relaxation and take further necessary action in this regard.

(Dr. Nitin Aggrawal)
Joint Director
Tel : 2436-0258

To Secretaries of all administrative Ministries/Departments :

Copy to :-

(i) CMDs/MDs of all CPSEs .
(ii) NIC, DPE – with a request to upload on website of DPE
(iii) SPARROW Team – With a request to incorporate the above changes in CPSE-SPARROW system


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