Cleanliness of HR-Soft database – EPFO Circular dated 19.01.2021

Cleanliness of HR-Soft database – EPFO Circular dated 19.01.2021

Cleanliness of HR-Soft database – EPFO Circular dated 19.01.2021


मुख्‍य कार्यालय/HEAD OFFICE
कर्मचारी भविष्‍य निधि संगठन/
Employees Provident Fund Organization
(श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय भारत सरकार)
(Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India)
14 भीकाजी कामा प्‍लेस नई दिल्‍ली / 14 Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066

No.HRM-II/T-1(1) 2020/E/Pt.I/2326                      Dated: 19 JAN 20


Subject: Cleanliness of HR-Soft database — reg.

It has been decided to conduct the AGT for this year on the basis of individual officer-wise data available in the HR Soft. However, it is also noticed that the existing data in HR-Soft has many discrepancies. It is required that all the officers in the cadre of ACC/RPFC-I/RPFC-II and APFC get the entries in HR Soft pertaining to their posting profile corrected. To facilitate the same, HRM has extracted Group ‘A’ Officers data from the HR-Soft database and has done some corrections / modification in the data. The same is attached with this circular for ready reference. The flow-chart / procedure to update the HR-Soft Data has been enclosed as Annexure I.

2. The objective of this exercise is to clean HR-Soft data. It is expected that concerned officer, HR, Admin as well as Officer-in-Charge will ensure the correctness of the HR-Soft data. After completion of the above exercise, the Officer-in-Charge will also sign the HRM-Datasheet of the concerned officer. The corrected copy of HRM datasheet would be kept in the personal file of the officer concerned.

3. It is also mentioned here that the temporary posting/additional charge posting details are not required to be updated in HR-Soft. The exercise of marking amendments/ modifications, if any, should be completed on or before 25.1.2021. Further, it is reiterated that onus of the getting the HR-Soft data. corrected lies with the individual officer, who has to coordinate with HR-Admin of his /her office for updation of records in HR-Soft.

4. There are two functionalities available to HR Admin in the HR Software for updating and correcting the data. These are as under:

I. Under Service Book Role >> Update Employee Personal Information System >> Service Book:
This allows edit, addition and deletion of record for the period of posting before the generation of EID

II. Under Service Book Role >> Update joining details.
This allows to update the joining date and the post on which joined post generation of EID.

Encl.: as above.

(Uma Mandal)
Additional Central P.F.Commissioner (HRM)


All Additional CPFC (Zones)/ Director, PDNASS
All Regional Provident Fund Commissioners
Incharge — Regional Offices including ASD, Head Office


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