Treatment of CGHS beneficiaries especially Covid-19 +ve patient in empanelled Hospitals regarding – CGHS Guidelines
File No. 6-129/के.स.स्वा.यो.(मु.)/शिकायत प्रकोष्ठ/2020/836-936
भारत सरकार GOVT. OF INDIA
अपर निदेशक का कार्यालय Office of the Additional Director
Hoके.स.स्वा.यो. (मु.) CGHS (HQ)
सी.जी.एच.एस. भवन, सै.-13 CGHS Bhawan, Sec-13
रा.कृ.पु., नई दिल्ली – 110066 Rama Krishna Puram
दिनांक: 22.12.2020
It is observed that empanelled hospitals are refusing the CGHS beneficiaries especially Covid-19 +ve patient for admission with the excuse that no bed is available in the entitled category of ward. As per terms and conditions of empanelment under CGHS, all pvt. Hospitals and diagnostic centres empanelled under CGHS shall provide treatment/investigations to all CGHS beneficiaries especially Covid-19 +ve patient on the basis of CGHS card in emergency and on the basis of advice from CGHS Medical Officer/Govt. specialist in case of listed treatment procedure/investigations and with valid permission letter in case of unlisted treatment procedures/investigations as the case may be. In case of emergency when beds are not available in the hospital then hospital should provide necessary treatment to stabilize the patient and transport the patient safely to nearest empanelled hospital for further management.
In view of the above you are directed to follow the above guidelines strictly. If any complaint on the above issue, are received against you, strict action will be taken as per MOA.
(Dr. Arvind Kumar)
Additional Director, CGHS (HQ)
1. All Pvt. HCOs empanelled under CGHS, Delhi/NCR.
2. Addl.DDG (HQ)/Addl. Director of CGHS CZ/NZ/SZ/EZ.
3. Nodal Officer, MCTC for uploading on CGHS website
Copy for information to:
1. PA to Director, CGHS, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
2. PS to AS& DG, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
3. Sr. CMO (HEC), Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi