Discontinuation of usage of physical (receipt copy) of Memorandum of remittances ACG 11, 11(a) and vouchers ACG 12, 13 & 14 in the post offices

Discontinuation of usage of physical (receipt copy) of Memorandum of remittances ACG 11, 11(a) and vouchers ACG 12, 13 & 14 in the post offices

Discontinuation of usage of physical (receipt copy) of Memorandum of remittances ACG 11, 11(a) and vouchers ACG 12, 13 & 14 in the post offices

No. 4-02/2020-PO
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(PO Division)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi -110 001

Dated: 16th December, 2020


All Head of Circles/Regions
GMs(F)/ DA(P)s of the Circles

Subject:- Regarding discontinuation of usage of physical (receipt copy) of Memorandum of remittances ACG 11, 11(a) and vouchers ACG 12, 13 & 14 in the post offices

The existing process for usage of physical receipt copy of Memorandum of remittances ACG 11, 11(a) and vouchers ACG 12, 13 & 14, which are being used in Post Offices -Head Post Office, Sub Post Office before CSI Implementation for the following has been reviewed by the competent authority:

(a) ACG 11 & 11 (a) – Memorandum of remittances
(b) ACG 12 – Voucher for drawing from treasury
(c) ACG 13 – Remittance to treasury
(d) ACG 14 – Drawn from treasury

2. After detailed examination, the competent authority has accordingly decided to discontinue the usage of physical receipt copy of Memorandum of remittances ACG 11, 11(a) and vouchers ACG 12, 13 & 14, in the Post Offices -Head Post Office, Sub Post Office in which CSI has been implemented and supersede the existing process with the following:

Sl. No ACG New Process
(1) ACG-11, 11(a) & 13 The challan /voucher shall be mandatorily generated through CSI System bearing the form number in a consecutive manner.
(2) ACG 12 & 14 Cheque books supplied by the Circle Accounts Officers shall be used for this purpose.

3. However, the physical usages of above memorandum/vouchers shall continue in all such post offices which are cash offices but are TNF sites or in some Post Offices which are transacting with Treasuries of State Government (and it does not deal with bank) with the authority of Head of Circles, who will issue the orders containing list of such Post offices under his jurisdiction which may continue using physical Memorandum of remittances ACG 11, 11(a) and voucher ACG-12, 13 &14.

4. It is again reiterated that for all Post Offices which are acting as Cash Offices and are TNF sites, and Post Offices which are meeting their cash requirements with the Treasury of State Governments, the orders for usage of physical receipts will be issued by the Chief Post Master General of the concerned Circle and a consolidated list of all such offices should be shared with PO division & PAF Division of the Directorate by 18.12.2020. If no such list is received, it will be assumed that there are no such offices in the Circle.

5. It is requested to kindly circulate this order to all concerned for information, guidance and necessary action. 6. This issues with approval of the Competent Authority.

(Adnan Ahmed)
DOG (Postal Operations)
e-Mail: [email protected]
Tel. No.- 011-23096179

Copy to:-

  1. Sr. PPS to Secretary (Posts)
  2. PS to Director General Postal Services.
  3. PPS/ PS to Addi. DG (co-ordination)/Member (Banking)/ Member (0)/ Member (P)/ Member (Planning & HRD)/ Member (PU)/ Member {Tech)/ AS& FA
  4. Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi
  5. Chief General Manager, BO Directorate/ Parcel Directorate / PLI Directorate
  6. Sr. Deputy Director General (Vigilance) & CVO)
  7. Director, RAKNPA/CGM. CEPT/Directors of all PTC’s
  8. Director General P & T (Audit), Civil Lines, New Delhi
  9. Secretary, Postal Services Board/ All Deputy Directors General
  10. Chief Engineer (Civil). Postal Directorate
  11. All Sections of Postal Directorate
  12. All recognized Federations/Unions/ Associations
  13. CGM, CEPT for uploading the order on the India post website.
  14. Guard File
  15. Spare copy


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