Change of Role of Saving Bank Control Organization (SBCO) – Department of Posts

Change of Role of Saving Bank Control Organization (SBCO) – Department of Posts

Change of Role of Saving Bank Control Organization (SBCO) – Department of Posts

File No. 116-15/2013-SB (Pt. SBCO)
Govt. of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(F.S. Division)

Dak Bhawan, New Dethi 110001
Dated: 11.12.2020


1). All Heads of Circle
2). Sr. DDG (PAF), Postal Directorate
3). DDG (Vigilance), Postal Directorate

Subject: Change of Roles of SBCO – Reg.

Sur / Madam,

After introduction of CBS in the year 2013, due to various changes in POSB operation, the role of SBCO was redefined in SB Order No. 14/2015 Addendum – I
dated 21.06.2016. Thereafter, changes like introduction of ATM, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking. SCWF Rules, CBS-CSI GL Integration and Common Long Book have been implemented. These changes necessitate revision in the role of SBCO, Accordingly, a set of new roles of SBCO is proposed to he issued with the following changes:

Roles proposed to be discontinued

1. Checking of LoTs for each office due to introduction of Common Long Book.

2. Signing on each voucher by the PA SBCO after completion of voucher checking

3. Checking of 5% vouchers by the Supervisor SBCO

4. After introduction of CBS – CSI GL Integration, all the deposits and withdrawals happening through various channels like Counters in same SOL or other SOL, ATMs, credit / debit due to transfer of accounts, e-Banking and m-Banking, are automatically incorporated in concerned GL Code, Further, the accounts of the Branch Offices are not incorporated in the accounts of Account Office as each Branch Office is treated as separate profit centers in CSI. Hence,checking of deposits and withdrawals with HO/SO Daily Accounts / HO Cash Account / Cash book / HO Summary / SO Summary and BO Summary is proposed to be dropped.

5. Due to the introduction of transactions through various channels and availabilty of various reports in Finacle, MIS Dashboard and BI Tools, maintenance of statistical register for non-financial transactions by SBCO is proposed to be discontinued.

6. Further due to availability of various reports in different portals and CBS-CSI GL Integration and all the unite up to Directorate level are able to take the reports, submission of returns by SBCO to AO, ICO and PAO viz. Statistical Register. Silent Accounts revived and Annual Interest Summary is proposed to be discontinued.

New Roles proposed to be added

1. The changes ordered in connection with Common Long Book vide SB Order No. 34/2020 dated 07.10.202o.

2. 100% of voucher checking by PA SHCO and checking procedure of the vouchers
relating to the unclaimed accounts which were already ordered.

3. Checking of signature by the PA SBCO in case of Closed accounts with AOF.

4. Signing on each office long book consolidation reports with the remarks “Voucher checking of all the vouchers is completed” after completion of voucher checking of each office.

5. Checking of all the deposit vouchers amounting to Rs. 50,000/- or more and all
the withdrawals vouchers including loans and account closure vouchers amounting to Rs. 20,000/- or more by the Supervisor SBCO.

6. Correction of Balances in the accounts due to error in pre-migrated data or otherwise.

7. Checking of Manual corrections made for Finacle related figures in CSU Daily
Account using the TCODE ZFI_DOC_LOG in CSI-SAP

8. Checking of unverified and deleted transactions using HAFI menu in Finacle

9. Checking of four Office accounts viz. SOLID + 0322, 0408, 0409 and 0410.

10. A Monthly Progress Report is proposed to be introduced with the details viz. Voucher checking / Office Accounts Checking Status and Objections pending status.

Other changes proposed

1. Preservation period of Interest / Balance Adjustment Register is proposed to be
revised from 5 years to permanent record, as it is one of the important records which may be required in cat of any inquiries in fraud cases.

Further it is proposed to reiterate the provisions of SBCO Manual relating to maintenance of Objection Register. Unused Cheque foils, Undelivered / Spoiled Passbooks, Will-follow items, Requisition of vouchers for inquiry, Safe custody of keys, Custody and Preservation of Records.

In this connection, it is requested to provide your valuable inputs, suggestions and comments on or before 24.12.2020.

This issues with the approval of DDG (FS)

Asst. Director (SB-I)


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