Conduct of Departmental Inquiries under EPF Staff CCA Rules 1971 through Virtual mode

Conduct of Departmental Inquiries under EPF Staff CCA Rules 1971 through Virtual mode

Conduct of Departmental Inquiries under EPF Staff CCA Rules 1971 through Virtual mode

File No.Vig./Coord/DP/Gen/2020

कर्मचारी भविषय निधि संगठन
श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय, भारत सस्कार
मुख्‍य कार्यालय/Head Office
भविष्‍य निधि भवन, 14, भीकाएजी कामा प्लेस, नई दिल्‍ली-110066
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066


Date: 08 DEC


All Disciplinary Authorities/Inquiry Officers
Addl.CPFC (HQ)/Addl. CPFCs in charge of Zones/OICs of Regional

Sub: Conduct of Departmental Inquiries under EPF Staff (CCA) Rules, 1971 through virtual mode – reg.


In view of the prevailing pandemic situation and the need to maintain social distancing norms all Disciplinary Authorities/Inquiry Officers have been advised to utilise video conferencing facilities to the maximum extent for conducting departmental inquiries under EPF Staff (CCA) Rules 1971. In continuation of the instructions already issued the following guidelines are issued for the benefit of the Disciplinary Authorities and Inquiry Officers while holding departmental inquiries via virtual mode:

a. Inquiry Officer shall decide the venue at which the Presenting Officer, the Charged Official and witnesses shall attend the virtual inquiry and the decision of the Inquiry Officer in this regard shall be final.

b. Inquiry Officers shall liaison with the Regional Office(s) for setting up the video conferencing as per the requirements of each Case.

c. Serving Officers of EPFO appointed as Inquiry Officers shall conduct the virtual inquiry from their respective offices.

d. Empanelled Inquiry Officers may conduct the inquiry at EPF Office or from any other place according to their convenience and the requirements of the case.

e. The Regional Offices shall render necessary service and assistance to the Inquiry Officers in setting up the virtual inquiry and shall also appoint an official to assist the Inquiry Officer during the inquiry.

f. The proceedings of the virtual inquiry shall take place under the instructions and the supervision of the Inquiry Officer and the decision of the Inquiry Officer on the process of the virtual inquiry Shall be final and absolute.

The above instructions shall be deemed to be broad guidelines for the conduct of departmental inquiries through the virtual mode. The Inquiry Officer is competent to decide upon the finer modalities at each step of the virtual inquiry in tandem with requirements on a case to case basis while ensuring adherence to the principles of natural justice.Further it is brought to the notice of all Inquiry Officers and Disciplinary Authorities that CVC as well as MoLE while reviewing the performance of EPFO has underscored the need for timely disposal of departmental inquiries by Inquiry Officers and to closely monitor their progress. In the present scenario the Inquiry Officers are advised to ensure that the time-limits for completion of the inquiry proceedings prescribed in Rule 14 sub-rule 24 of CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 applicable to the employees of EPFO in terms of Rule 28 of EPF Staff (CCA) Rules 1971 are strictly adhered to and for this purpose they may exploit the potentialities of virtual inquiries to the fullest extent.

This issues with the approval of the Central PF Commissioner.

Yours’ faithfully


conduct of departmental inquiries under epf staff cca rules 1971 through virtual mode

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