7th CPC Revised rates of Risk Allowance to Central Govt. employees – DoPT Order Dt 3 Nov 2020

7th CPC Revised rates of Risk Allowance to Central Govt. employees – DoPT Order Dt 3 Nov 2020

7th CPC Revised rates of Risk Allowance to Central Govt. employees – DoPT Order Dt 3 Nov 2020

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

Block No. IV, Room No. 409
Old JNU Campus, New Delhi
Dated 3rd November, 2020

Office Memorandum

Subject: Implementation of Govt. decision on 7 CPC recommendations on Risk Allowance to Central Govt. employees-regarding

Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations made by the 7 Central Pay Commission on the subject of Risk Allowance and with the approval of D/o Expenditure, it has been decided to revise the rates of Risk Allowance paid to the Central Govt. employees. The revised rates of Risk Allowance are as follows:

Sl. No. Categories of employees Revised Rates in Rupees per Month
1. Unskilled workers 90
2. Semi-skilled worker 135
3. Skilled worker 180
4. Supervisors 225
5. Non-gazetted officers engaged in Nitro Glycerine preparation 405
6. Gazetted officers engaged in Nitro Glycerine preparation 675
7. Danger Building Officers 900

2. Risk Allowance with revised rates shall be payable from the date of issue of this OM. Further, all other terms and conditions envisaged in the O.M. No.21012/4/88-Allowances dated 22.08.1988 shall continue to apply.

3. Hindi Version will follow.

(Rajendra Prasad Tewari)
Under Secretary to the Government of India


  1. All Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India
  2. NIC with a request to upload the O.M. on the website of DoPT.


Source: DOPT

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