Railway Secret Ballot Election (‘SBE-2020’) – Verification of membership of Trade Unions (i.e.TUs) in order to grant them recognition on Zonal Railways: “Final Modalities -2020

Railway Secret Ballot Election (‘SBE-2020’) – Verification of membership of Trade Unions (i.e.TUs) in order to grant them recognition on Zonal Railways: “Final Modalities -2020

Railway Secret Ballot Election (‘SBE-2020’) – Verification of membership of Trade Unions (i.e.TUs) in order to grant them recognition on Zonal Railways: “Final Modalities -2020

Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways(Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)

No.2019/E(LR)/III/SBE /1

New Delhi, dt. 23.10 .2020

Principal Chief Personnel Officers,
All Zonal Railways & Metro Railway Kolkata,
Chittaranjan Locomotive Works, Chittaranjan,
Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala.

Sub: “Secret Ballot Election (for short, ‘SBE-2020’)
For verification of membership of Trade Unions(i.e.TUs) in order to grant them recognition on Zonal Railways – reg “Final Modalities -2020.”

Ref: Railway Board’s letters of even No. dated 26.06.2019, 16.8.2019, 28.01.2020, 10.2.2020 & 20.2.2020.

Attention is  invited to Board’s letters cited above.

In view of the fact that “Secret Ballot Election (SBE)” could not be held due to certain exigencies in the year 2019 and further delayed due to ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic, there is a necessity to further update the Voters’ List for holding of SBE in the year 2020.

2. In this regard, following decisions are conveyed:

(i) Para 02 and Para 03A(f) of the “Final Modalities-2020” (as amended vide letter dated 28.1.2020 and 10.2.2020, respectively) should be further amended and substituted by Annexure I and Annexure II of this letter, respectively.

(ii) Resultantly, all PCPOs are directed to update the Final Voters ‘ List as on 30.09.2020 as per provisions contained in Annexure I and II of this letter.

3. The following time schedule shall be followed for publication of aforesaid list:

Last date of  publication of draft Voters’ List 27.10.2020
Last date for receiving representations 03.11.2020
Last date for disposal  of representations 04.11.2020
Publication of final Voters’ List 05.11.2020

4. This issues with the approval of Director General/ Human Resources.

Encl.:Annexure I and II (03 pages)

( Deepak Peter Gabriel )
Executive Director, Estt(IR)

Annexure I

 (Annexure to Board’s letter No. 2019/E(LR)III/SBE/I dated 23.10.2020)

 Substituted Paragraph  02 of ‘Final Modalities-2020′ as circulated vide Railway Board’s letter

No. 2019/E(LR)III/SBE/I  dated 28.01.2020


(a) All Non-Gazetted Railway Servants (Group ‘C’ inclusive of erstwhile Group ‘D’), serving as on 30.09.2020.

(b) Substitutes with Temporary Status, serving as on 30.09.2020.

(c) Non-Gazetted Railway Servants, who are serving on deputation, as on 30.09.2020.

(d) Non-Gazetted Railway Servants on deputation, as on 30.09.2020 to Railway Electrification(RE)/Constructions projects or any other project where cadre has not been closed.

Note: They shall be eligible to vote in the Polling booth of office where their lien is being maintained. However, in cases where such staff are deputed to work in the construction/RE organization of same Zonal Railway(i.e. their lien Railway and the office/Zonal Railway where they are working are same), they can vote in Polling Booths set up in Construction Organisation/RE organization/ or any booth decided by the Presiding Officer concerned.

(e) Railway Servants in (-IS) Pay Band (if any), serving as on 30.09.2020.

(f) Non-Gazetted Railway Servants, serving as on 30.09.2020, in Training Centres/Schools and Railway  Schools/Colleges, who  are permitted  to  be  member of TUs.

(g) Ministerial/Clerical Railway Servants serving, as on 30.09.2020, in the RPF/RPSF establishment but not belonging to RPF/RPSF cadre and who are NOT governed by the Railway Protection Force Act  1957.

Note: Only those Railway Servants whose names are borne on the Voters‘ list of a particular booth shall be eligible to vote at that particular polling booth.


Annexure II

(Annexure to Board’s letter No. 2019/E(LR)III/SBE/I dated 23.10.2020)

Susbstituted  Paragraph  03A(f) of ‘Final Modalities-2020′  as circulated vide Railway Board’ s letter

No. 2019/E(LR)III/SBE/I dated 10.02.2020

“(f) Newly-recruited staff i.e. those who (i) are yet to join a post in Railways and; (ii) are getting training as Trainees as on 30.09.2020 and; (iii) are in receipt of Stipend (i.e. not in regular pay scale/pay matrix).”



Source:  Railway Board

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