NVS Guidelines for Expenditure under the head “General” during Pandemic in F.Y. 2020-21

NVS Guidelines for Expenditure under the head “General” during Pandemic in F.Y. 2020-21

NVS Guidelines for Expenditure under the head “General” during COVID-19 Pandemic in F.Y. 2020-21.

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति / NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI
शिक्षा मंत्रालय / Ministry of Education
(स्कूल शिक्षा एवं साक्षरता विभाग) / (Dept. of School Education & Literacy)
भारत , सरकार / Govt. of India
बी-15, संस्थानिक क्षेत्र, सैक्टर-62. /B-15, Sector – 62, Institutional Area,
नोएडा- 201309 (उ.प्र) / Noida – 201309 (UP)

1-7 /2020-NVS(F&A) /

Date: 22 / 10/2020


The Deputy Commissioner,
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti,
All Regional Offices.

Subject: Guidelines for Expenditure under the head “General” during COVID-19 Pandemic in FY2020-21 reg.

Madam /Sir,

With reference to the subject cited above, you are aware that the situation during FY2020-21 is different from regular financial year because of COVID-19 Pandemic which will affect the expenditure. During FY2020-21, M&R including colour, Special M&R, development of kitchen garden, garden, repair of furniture, comprehensive repair of computers etc. are to be focussed. In this regard following guidelines are given below:

  1. M&R works of JNV building may be completed in all respects including all the electric fitting which require repairing. Regular budget of Rs.10.00 lakh per JNV has already been given to JNVs in addition to Rs.2.00 crore per RO. If additional fund is required, JNV shall submit the proposal to Regional Office concerned, who will submit the requirement of extra funds to the Construction Wing of HQ latest by 30th October, 2020. The extra funds will be released as per recommendations of the Construction Wing.
  2. Comprehensive AMC of all computers, printers and other I.T. infrastructure should be in place for smooth functioning of computer lab. However, comprehensive AMC should be economical and as per norms/GFR guidelines.
  3. All the repairable furniture and equipments may be repaired and be kept ready for use. Emphasis may be given to get the furniture and equipments repaired in place of new purchase.
  4. Library Books may be procured as per the actual needs of JNVs by following NVS guidelines. Regular budget of Rs.1.00 lakh per JNV is allotted to JNVs.
  5. Play Fields and kitchen garden of the JNV complex should be maintained. Proper plantation should be done. Regular budget under Misc. Contingencies of Rs.10.00, Rs.12.00 & Rs.15.00 lakhs has been allotted to JNVs. However, JNVs can go beyond the norms of Rs.10.00 lakhs/ Rs.12.00 lakhs during FY2020-21 with proper approval only subject to the availability of funds. The actual need may be submitted to the Regional Office concerned.
  6. All the Principals of JNVs should take care of proper sanitisation arrangements of the Vidyalaya campus.

Regional Office concerned is to collect the requirement of extra requirement of funds on all the items mentioned above under head “General and concerned sub-head. The above mentioned requirement shall be submitted by the Regional Offices to the HQ along with the RE 2020-21 latest by 31st October, 2020 as asked by Samiti vide letter No. 1-1/2020- NVS(F&A) dated 19.10.2020.

Further, Regional Offices, especially Cluster Incharges, are to ensure full utilisation of the funds. It is a good chance to improve the Vidyalaya campus during FY2020-21 and we all should take advantage of the same.

This is issued with the approval of the Commissioner, NVS.

Yours faithfully,

(G. Arumugam )
Jt. Commissioner (Admn.)

Copy to:

All Principals of JNVs.


Source : Click here to view/download PDF

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