Issuance of Laptops to Section Officer and equivalent rank in Dept. of Revenue

Issuance of Laptops to Section Officer and equivalent rank in Dept. of Revenue

Issuance of Laptops to Section Officer and equivalent rank in Dept. of Revenue

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Department of Revenue)

09th September, 2020
B-9, North Block, New Delhi


Subject: Issuance of Laptops in DoR in view of DoE’s OM dated 27.03.2020

The undersigned is directed refer to Department of Expenditure O.M No.3(6)/2020-E.II(A) dated 27.03.2020, wherein “Laptops/Note pad and similar devices may also be issued, on the grounds of functional necessity, to officers of the rank of Under Secretary/Section Officers and equivalent rank subject to the condition that this shall be restricted to 25% of the sanctioned strength of these posts”.

2. In light of the above O.M, many officers of DoR are enquiring for issue of Laptops and some officers have sent requests for Purchase of Laptop/Issue of Laptop. In this connection, it is informed that the requests may be sent to this office with full justification of requirement of Laptop along with the details of work that would be required to be done from Home & the same may then be got recommended through their Divisional Heads (in case of PS /PPS, through their respective Controlling officer), before sending the same to this office. The Department may issue laptops to such officers only on the basis of functional necessity that also within the limits of the Budget Provision.

3. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

(Rakesh Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India


All the officers of DoR (through e-Office Notice Board)
(SO & US level)issuance of laptops in dor in view of doe om dated 27.3.2020Source: Department of Revenue

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