Launch of “ePratiniyukti”- a single window, online Deputation Module for receipt and processing of deputation applications/ Cadre Clearance of IRS (C&CE) Officers

Launch of “ePratiniyukti”- a single window, online Deputation Module for receipt and processing of deputation applications/ Cadre Clearance of IRS (C&CE) Officers

Launch of “ePratiniyukti”- a single window, online Deputation Module for receipt and processing of deputation applications/ Cadre Clearance of IRS (C&CE) Officers

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs
Directorate  General  of Human Resource Development,
HR Management  Wing-I Bhai Vir Singh Sahitya Sadan (2nd & 3rd Floor),
Bhai Vir Singh Marg, Gole Market, New Delhi-110 001

F.No.40/BVS/DGHRD(HRM-I)/Onlinc Deputation Module/2020/2206

Dated:  28.08.2020


Pr. Chief Commissioner/ Chief Commissioner, Customs and GST (All),
Director General/ Director General (All),
Pr. Commissioner/ Pr. ADG/ Commissioner/ ADG, Customs and GST (All),
Chief Controller of factories/ Narcotics Commissioner, Gwalior,
Commissioner (Coordination-I/II), CBIC, New Delhi,
Deputy Secretary/ Under Secretary, Ad.II, CBIC, New Delhi,
CVO, CBIC/ ADG, Ad.VI Deputy Secretary, Ad.VI Under Secretary, Ad.V , CBIC, New Delhi,
DG, DG Vigilance/ ADG (HQ), DGoV, New Delhi.


Subject: Launch of “ePratiniyukti”- a single window, online Deputation Module for receipt and processing of deputation applications/ Cadre Clearance of IRS (C&CE) Officers-reg.

As you  are aware, deputation  is one of the modes  of recruitment  to various posts/ positions  under  Government  of India as well  as State Governments.  Deputation  provide s officers with exposure to other areas of work as also facilitates cross learning and knowledge .· transfer. Besides learning and acquiring new skills, deputation also provides avenues for the career progression of the officers.

2. The present deputation procedure for IRS(C&CE) Group A officers involves routing applications in manual/ hard copy mode, through proper channel which is both lengthy and cumbersome with avoidable delays and duplication of work.

3. In view of above and  also CBIC’s focus on paperless  work  and  promoting  digital governance , “ePratiniyukti” – a single window, Online Deputation Module is being launched w.e.f. 28-08-2020 for receipt and processing of deputation applications/ Cadre Clearance of IRS (C&CE) Officers. This module brings together all stakeholders i.e.  Ad.II Section CBIC/ Ad. V  Section CBIC/DGoV/DGHRD and  CCOs/DGs as well as all IRS(C&CE) officers on a  single  platform  for  streamlining  Cadre  Clearance  procedure  for  swifter  and  seamless processing  of  cadre  clearances.  The  endeavor  is  to ensure  end -to-end  cadre  clearance processing for  deputation  in  10 working  days.

4. In this regard, the following are the SOPs/ instructions  for  information  and compliance by all concerned:

  1. e-Pratiniyukti  is   hosted   on    the    official    website    of    DGHRD-CBIC (  Link  has  also  been  provided  on  the  CBIC   website ( All  IRS (C&CE) officers desiring to apply for deputation can login into the module with their email  ID  and default  password cbic#l23: However, the default password must be changed upon first login.
  2. Vacancy circulars would be uploaded into the Module by Ad. II Section CBIC. Vacancy Circulars that are uploaded by the Board in the deputation module would be visible at the user end at the Home page of the deputation module. User may apply against any  of  these deputation  vacancies,  by  clicking   over the relevant circular/advertisement and by filling the requisite information for the post concerned. Even if a vacancy circular comes to the notice of an Officer which is not featured on the module, the officer has the facility to apply by attaching pdf of the said Circular. However, it may be noted that vacancy circulars intended for confidential circulation shall not be uploaded in the module and the officers are advised not to applv for such posts through ePratiniyukti. Such vacancies/applications will continue to  be processed  manually.
  3. For applying through e-Pratinyukti, a standard template is also required  to be filled by the officer providing various information, reference documents etc. It should be ensured by the applicants that the information/particulars provided is accurate. A mandatory declaration to this effect is provided on the relevant screen.
  4. All applications for any deputation vacancy/ posts should, as far as possible, be submitted at least 10 working days before the last date mentioned in the vacancy circular.
  5. To facilitate smooth transition, only applications received up to 31st August, 2020 shall be processed as per existing practice. Thereafter, all deputation applications (barring those meant for confidential circulation) shall be received and processed only through e-Pratinyukti. All stakeholders -CCO/Directorates/DGHRD (HRM-I)/ Directorate General of Vigilance/ Ad. V Section shall furnish requisite documents/information including response to queries to AD.II Section, only through the said  module.
  6. As soon as an officer applies against any deputation vacancy, the application would get transmitted simultaneously to each stakeholder for action/ processing i.e. Ad. II Section, Ad. V Section, DGHRD HRM-I, DGoV and the concerned CC/DG. An application alert would be flashed to the all stakeholders including the CC/DG concerned and the nominated nodal officer (ADC/JC) in their office. Each stakeholder will act upon it independently and simultaneously without waiting for any other request/letter from Ad. III Ad. V or any other authority.
  7. The CC/DG office shall forward the application in online mode in the module to AD II Section along with documents/certifications etc., wherever required. The requisite action by CC/DG office would need to be completed within 2 working days. The CC/DG office should not withhold forwarding of the application. However,  CCs/DGs will  have the option to fo1ward the application  with remarks/ comments,  if any. Additionally, the facility to upload, documents is also available.
  8. Where an application is not forwarded by the CCO/ Directorate within the prescribed time limit, Ad II Section shall have the option to get the application force forwarded in the system from CCO/DG. Other stakeholders are not required to wait  for forwarding of application by the CCO. They shall immediately take up /complete the requisite action at their end (within prescribed timelines) as soon as application is submitted by the officer in the module as the application gets transmitted to all stakeholders for simultaneous processing.
  9. Upon receipt of notification of incoming application from the officer, the Nodal officers in DGHRD (HRM-1)/Ad. V Section/DGoV shall immediately and simultaneously act on it without waiting for the application to be forwarded by the CCO.
  10. DGHRD (HRM-I) would transmit the requisite documents i.e. APARs/IPRs to Ad. II in online mode only through the Module to Ad. II Section, within maximum of 2 working days.
  11. As mentioned above, Ad.V Section & DGoV would receive the application simultaneously. DGoV shall not wait for any further/separate letter etc. from Ad. V Section and shall process the Vigilance Status and the same will be submitted to Ad. V Section in online mode through module only. Upon receipt of Vigilance status from DGoV, Ad.V Section shall submit the Vigilance status/Vigilance clearance to Ad. II Section can also seek any further information/ clarification form DGoV through the module. The timeline for DGov and AD V Section taken together for transmitting the requisite clearance /status to Ad .II in online mode would be maximum 4 working days ( 2 working days each for DGoV and  AD.V).
  12. Ad II Section may  seek  any specific information, additional information/documents etc. from CCO/DG or DGHRD (HRM-I) or AD V Section through the module. DGHRD may also seek some additional documents/ information from the CCO/DG concerned in the module.
  13. All documents shall be processed through online mode only in the said module and no manual/ hard copies be accepted after the date indicated  in Para 5.
  14. In cases where documents/ APARs/ Vigilance status are required by Ad. II  for certain appointments (e.g. in case of appointment  as  personal staff  of  Hon’ble Ministers), Ad. II Section can initiate and send  request to  CCO/DG, DGHRD (HRM­ I), DGoV, Ad. V Section, as applicable. In such cases, there is no need for any application to be submitted by the officer in the module.
  15. Upon receipt of all documents/ APARs/ Vigilance clearance etc, Ad II Section would take print out of the application and requisite document, and process the cadre clearance file within 4 working days (maximum).
  16. If required, Ad II Section may seek further clarification/documents etc from the concerned CC/DG or DGHRD (HRM-·I)/Ad. V Section. However, this query/ requirement should be routed tlrrough online mode only.
  17. Upon specific request from borrowing authorities, Ad II may also seek attested hard copies of documents from DGHRD (HRM-I) through request routed through ePratiniyukti only.
  18. On completion of the processing of cadre clearance, the application shall be closed by Ad II Section in the said module by giving the action completed date.
  19. The officer can track his application status online Email/SMS alerts would also be sent at every stage/ step of application processing.
  20. For accessing deputation module and processing of applications, all stakeholders i.e. Ad. II Section, Ad. V Section, DGoV, DGHRD (HRM-I) and all CCOs/ Directorates shall have two email IDs mapped in the system/module. For CCOs/ Directorates, one email will be same as the official email ID of CCO/ Directorate and the other email ID has been created. The list of such email IDs of all CCOs/ Directorates is enclosed as Anncxure-I.
  21. The email  IDs or Ad. II Section Ad-II,  Ad. V Section & DGoV is being communicated through email separately.
  22. Apart from email IDs, two mobile numbers each of these action holders can  be mapped in the module for alerts. The alerts will be sent on mapped email IDs as well as mobile numbers of the action The mobile number/nodal officer details can be changed by the action holders in their profile.
  23. The main objective of this module is to bring complete transparency and ensuring time bound processing/ accountability in the processing of cadre clearance for deputation of IRS (C&CE) officers. All stakeholders shall  strictly  act  within  the  prescribed timelines.
  24. To ensure monitoring of pendency/ status of various deputation applications, Monitoring Dashboard with MIS/ Report generation facility will be provided to the Chairman CBIC, Member (Admin) CBIC, DG DGHRD, ADG CVO,  DGoV  HQ, CBIC, Commissioner (Coord) and ADG (HRM-I) DGHRD.
  25. A process flowchart of processing in e-Pratiniyukti is enclosed for information (Annexure-II). Step by step process guide is available in the module under “FAQ/ Help Guide”. For any help/ support, email can be sent to: deputation­ [email protected]
  26. It is clarified that submission of deputation application does not confer any right to any officer to cadre clearance. Decision of the competent authority shall be final in this regard.

It is requested that the SOP /Instructions may be disseminated to all officers under your jurisdiction. It is further requested that all officers/ stakeholders should strictly adhere to these instructions on deputation cadre clearance processing, keeping in mind the timelines prescribed.

This issues with the approval of Chairman, CBIC.

Yours faithfully,

(Neeta Lall Butalia)
Director General, DGHRD


Source: Click here to view/download full pdf

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