e-Awas system for automatic posting of Licence Fee deducted from salary of the allottees of GPRA in Delhi
G.o.I, M.o.H.&U.A, Director of Estates O.M. No. 18011/1/2020-Pol. III dated 01.09.2020
Introduction of integration of e-Awas system with PFMS for automatic posting of Licence Fee deducted from salary of the allottees of GPRA in Delhi- reg.
Directorate of Estates has introduced integration of e-Awas system with PFMS for automatic posting of Licence Fee deducted from salary of the allottees of GPRA, to strengthen the Licence Fee deductions and to curb unauthorised occupation even after transfer to ineligible office, Superannuation etc.. This will do away with the work of posting of licence fee schedule of their office manually on monthly basis by DDOs of eligible office who are preparing salary through PFMS. [irp]
2. Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO) of office of the allottee has to login in DDO module of GPRA/e-Awas and fill up PFMS DDO code and office details as one time activity. DDO will have to complete the details of Allottee Account Number (AAN), residential address, rate of licence fee with water charges, if any and GRPA City Code i.e. New Delhi-ND/ Faridabad — FB/ Gaziabad- GZ in Government Accommodation module in PFMS for individual allottees. The information links in DDO module of GPRA/e-awas and PFMS Govt accommodation details as show in Annexure-A. It will be responsibility of DDOs/ allottee to provide the correct details in the system for licence fee deduction. [irp]
3. Once the automatic deduction of licence fee of allottees Start processing, the DDOs of concerned offices can view the deduction of licence fee deduction for allottees in their DDO module of GPRA/e-awas. DDOs of office of allottees are also requested to upto date the posting of licence fee schedule of their offices before Starting automatic deduction of licence fee. The option of posting of monthly licence fee through DDO module of GPRA/e-awas/e-awas will be discontinued [irp]
4. The licence fee will only be accepted through automatic posting through PFMS system w.e.f. 1st September 2020, wherever salaries are distributed through PFMS. DDOs of all Ministries/Departments are requested to log in and fill the required details in the DDO module of e-Awas by 15th September, 2020.

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