CGDA: 7th CPC Protection of pay to Central Government Servant consequent to appointment through direct recruitment under FR 22 B(1)

CGDA: 7th CPC Protection of pay to Central Government Servant consequent to appointment through direct recruitment under FR 22 B(1)

CGDA: 7th CPC Protection of pay to Central Government Servant consequent to appointment to a new post in different service or cadre in Central Government through direct recruitment under FR 22 B (1)

कार्यालय, रक्षा लेखा महानियंत्रक
उलन बटार रोड, पालम, दिल्‍ली छावनी – 110010
Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt- 110010

No. AN/XIV/14121/II/INC/Vol-XXI

Dated: 08.09.2020



All PCsDA/CsDA/PCA (Fys)
(Through Website)

Sub: Protection of pay to the Central Government Servant consequent to appointment to a new post in different service or cadre in Central Government through direct recruitment under FR 22 B (1).

The DoP&T has recently issued an OM F.No. 12/2/2017-Estt(Pay-l) dated 5th August 2020 for Protection of pay to the Central Government Servant consequent to appointment to a new post in different service or cadre in Central Government through direct recruitment under FR 22 B (1).

2. The Fundamental Rules (FR & SR) with regard to pay protection of Central Govt. Servants have already been there throughout various pay commissions viz. FR-22B(1), FR-9(13) Lien, FR-9(24), FR-9(28) Substantive Pay, Audit Instructions under FR-9. The DoP&T OM dated 05.08.2020 has clarified the same in 7th CPC scenario i.e. CCS (RP) Rules 2016.

3. Copies of DoP&T OM dated 05.08.2020 as well as the relevant rules are forwarded herewith with a request to strictly ensure compliance of these rules. The cases which fulfill the conditions may be forwarded for obtaining audit report to PCDA (P) Allahabad with detailed statement of case and service book.

4. The PCDA (P) Allahabad will thereafter scrutinize the cases as per these rules and render audit report to this HQrs. containing details of fulfillment of all the conditions for pay protection for further necessary action.

This issues with the approval of Sr. Jt. CGDA (AN).

(Rajeev Ranjan Kumar)

Copy to:-

  1. O/I.C. Admin-Pay Section (Local)
  2. O/I.C. AT-Coord (Local)
  3. O/I.C. IT&S Wing (Local) – for uploading this circular on the website of CGDA
  4. CENTRAD, Brar Square, Delhi Cantt.
  5. O/I.C. Library Section (Local)
  6. MNB, AN-14 Section (Local)
  7. Secretary General, AIDAA (CB) Pune — through PCDA (O) Pune
  8. Secretary General, AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata — through PCA (Fys.) Kolkata

(Pradeep Kumar)
Accounts Officer (AN)

7th CPC Protection of Pay on appointment to a new post in different service or cadre in Central Government, through direct recruitment – DoPT O.M dated 05.08.2020


Source: CGDA

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