Central Universities Amendment Statutes for Central University of Punjab, 2020: Academic Staff and Non-Academic Staff Recruitment and Promotion Rules 2020 in respect of CUP

Central Universities Amendment Statutes for Central University of Punjab, 2020: Academic Staff and Non-Academic Staff Recruitment and Promotion Rules 2020 in respect of CUP

Central Universities Amendment Statutes for Central University of Punjab, 2020: Academic Staff and Non-Academic Staff Recruitment and Promotion Rules 2020 in respect of CUP



New Delhi, the 2nd September, 2020

F.No. CUPB/CC/19-20/Ord./2361.— In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 20 read with sub-section (2) of section 27 of the Central Universities Act, 2009 (25 of 2009), the Executive Council of the Central University of Punjab with the approval of the Visitor, hereby makes the following Statutes to amend the Central Universities of Punjab Statutes, namely:-

1. Short title and commencement. — (1) These Statutes may be called as the Central Universities (Amendment) Statutes (for Central University of Punjab), 2020.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. In the first Statute of the Central University of Punjab –

(i) after Statute 9, the following Statute shall be inserted, namely: –

“9 A. Constitution of the Court. (1) The Court shall consist of the following members, namely:-

(a) Ex-Officio Members:

(i)     the Chancellor;
(ii)    the Vice-Chancellor;
(iii)   the Pro Vice-Chancellor, if any;
(iv)   the Senior Most Dean;
(v)    the Dean Students’ Welfare;
(vi)   the Finance Officer;
(vii)  the Controller of Examinations;
(viii) the Librarian; and
(ix)    the Registrar, Member Secretary.

(b) Representatives of the Academic Staff:

(i) Two members from amongst the Deans of Schools of Studies, by rotation according to the seniority, to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.

(ii) Two Teachers (One Associate Professor and one Assistant Professor) from among the University appointed teachers of the Faculties, to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor by rotation according to the seniority.

(c) Nominees of the Visitor and Chancellor:

(i) Three persons, who are well known academicians or who have special knowledge or practical experience in higher education, to be nominated by the Visitor.

(ii) One Person who is learned professional or eminent scientist, to be nominated by the Chancellor.

(d) Nominees of the Vice-Chancellor:

Three persons of eminent personality in the field of Science and Education.

(e) Nominees of the Executive Council:

Two representatives of Civil Society (Non-Government Organization or Industry or Legal Fraternity or Eminent Citizen), to be nominated by the Executive Council.

(f) Representatives of Students:

Two representatives of students (one male and one female elected by the members of the Students’ Council from among themselves).

(g) Representatives of Alumni:

One representative (Elected by the Alumni Association).

(2) All members of the Court, other than ex-officio members shall hold office for a term of three years:

Provided that the members referred to under clause (f) of sub statute (1) shall hold office for a period of one year or till such time as they continue to be students of the university, whichever is earlier.

(3) One third members of the Court shall form a quorum for a meeting of the Court.”

(ii) In Statute 10, the sub-statute (5) shall be omitted;

Note: The Statute 10(5) was published in the Central Universities Act, 2009 vide Extraordinary Gazette Notification No. 27, PART-II, Section-I dated 20.03.2009. The Statute was the part of Central Universities Act, 2009.


New Delhi, the 2nd September, 2020

F.No. CUPB/CC/19-20/Ord./2361.— In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub Section (2) of Section 28 of the Central University Act, 2009 read with Section 37 of the Second Schedule of the Central Universities Act, 2009, the Ordinance No. XIII is replaced with the following with the consent of the Visitor:

[Act Section 6, Statute 15(5)(a)]

1. Appointment of Head

The post of Head of the Department may be assigned to the Professors and Associate Professors of the Department by rotation in order of seniority.

2. Term of Office

2.1 The Head of a Department shall hold office for a period of three years.
2.2 The Head of a Department shall on attaining superannuation, cease to hold office as such.
2.3 The Head of a Department may resign his/her office at any time during his/her term of office.

3. Chairperson

The Head of a Department shall convene and preside over the meetings of the Department.

4. Functions

The Head of a Department shall, under the general supervision of the Dean, perform the following functions to:

4.1 Organize the teaching and research work;
4.2 Frame the time table in conformity with the allocation of the teaching;
4.3 Maintain discipline in the class rooms and laboratories through faculty;
4.4 Assign to the teachers in the Department such duties as may be necessary for the proper functioning of the Department, and exercise control over the non-teaching staff; and
4.5 Perform such other functions as may be assigned to him/her by the Dean of the concerned School, the Academic Council, the Executive Council and the Vice Chancellor.”


New Delhi, the 2nd September, 2020

F.No. CUPB/CC/19-20/Ord./2361— In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub Section (2) of Section 28 of the Central University Act, 2009 read with Section 37 of the Second Schedule of the Central Universities Act, 2009, the Ordinance No. XXIV XXV, XXXII, XXXVI, XXXVIII and XL are notified with the consent of the Visitor:

[Act Section 6 (1) (xvi), 28 (1) (0)]

1. Selection Committee for the post of Adjunct Professor will comprise of the following:

1.1 Vice Chancellor or his nominee – Chairman
1.2 One of the Deans to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor – Member
1.3 Head of Concerned Department – Member
1.4 One External Expert, to be nominated by the VC – Member
1.5 Registrar – Convener

2. Qualification, Experience and Selection Criteria:

Candidate should be a distinguished persons from within the country or abroad, who has special competence in one of the fields of study covered by the University. If the committee recommends the case, the same would be forwarded to the competent authority for consideration and necessary approval from Executive Council.

2.1 Qualifications:

Candidate for adjunct faculty should satisfy the following norms:-

a) For Conventional Higher Education Courses:

(i) Should have the minimum qualifications as prescribed in the regulations framed by UGC/respective statutory councils from time to time. OR

(ii) A person of eminence with or without a postgraduate or Ph.D. qualifications.

b) For Skill based Courses:

(i) Should be an accomplished professional/expert in his chosen field of discipline and may not necessarily possess qualifications prescribed under UGC regulations. OR

(ii) Should be a certified professional, for teaching and training on National Occupational Standards under NSQF, by the sector Skills Council for teaching respective trade/job role.

They are also expected to have an understanding of industry requirements, National Occupational Standards (NOSs) and Assessment & Certification for skills.

In addition to the above, it is expected that the adjunct faculty in both the above steams would be an accomplished scholar in his area of specialization and his association would add value to the academic programmes he is associated with.

2.2 Selection Criteria:

Adjunct Faculty will be appointed by the competent authority based on the recommendation of a Committee, Period of empanelment will vary from 06 month to 03 years as decided by the Institutions on mutually agreed terms and conditions. It is expected that any application for adjunct faculty is first discussed at the department level. The department may forward the application with comments specifying the suitability of such candidates(s) in the department/institution level academic activities. If the department recommends a case for adjunct faculty, the same should be examined by a committee.

3. Period of Empanelment:

Period of empanelment will vary from 06 months to 03 years as decided by the University on mutually agreed terms and conditions.

4. Number of Posts:

The strength of Adjunct faculty may not exceed 25% the sanctioned strength of faculty at any time.

5. Roles and Responsibilities:

5.1 Teaching

5.1.1 Conventional Higher Education Courses: Adjunct faculty will be expected to teach courses directly related to his specific expertise and professional experience or the areas of his specialization. He may also contribute to the institution’s activates like counseling of students, developing new courses (s) and pedagogical improvements.

5.1.2 Skill based Vocational Courses: The core courses pertaining to specialized skills/approved trainers or other persons with appropriate skill proficiency. Such faculty imparting education and training to learners in skill based course, should have relevant NSQF qualifications, preferably certified by the relevant Sector Skill Council.

5.1.3 Research Courses: Adjunct Professor may also be involved in the M.Phil / Ph.D. coursework based on his professional and research proficiency adjudged by the concerned institution.

5.2 Training: Adjunct Professor will be expected to facilitate the setting of workshops and labs, providing hands on training in the relevant domain areas, development of soft skills, and focus on ensuring competency based learning outcomes among students.

5.3 Research: Adjunct Professor is expected to interact with and supervise the research student in the area of his specialization of professional proficiency. However, there should be preferably one core faculty members associated as supervise/Co-supervise for smooth induction and coordination of academic procedures. The adjunct faculty may lack a traditional academic background in such case, they are not expected to contribute to the institutions research and creative mission by participating in traditional scholarly activities (i.e. they are not expected to conduct independent research and/or publish in peer-reviewed journals). Instead, he may participate by advising faculty on their research project, serving as a liaison between the institutions and industry or government entities to identify research and/or funding opportunities or by working with faculty to identify research and/or funding opportunities or by working with faculty to identify research project that would benefit private industry and/or government entities.

5.4 Services: Adjunct faculty is also expected to actively participate in service related activities, such as sitting on departmental committee, serving as advisors to faculty and/or undergraduate and post graduate students, helping students network, and active collaboration with the industry / employer providing internship and job opportunities.

5.5 Subject to the above, the Vice Chancellor will determine, at his/her discretion, such other terms and conditions as may be deemed necessary.

6. Costs and Honorarium:

6.1 Adjunct faculty will be provided travel cost, as per entitlement, from his/her institution/place of stay and back, maximum six (06) times per academic year. No reimbursement for hiring accommodation will be permissible. However, she/he will be provided free lodging and boarding in the Guest House.

6.2 She/he will be provided an honorarium of Rs. 1000/- (Rs. One Thousand Only) per lecture to a maximum of Rs. 4000/- (Rs. Four Thousand Only) per day of service subject to a maximum ceiling of Rs. 80,000/- (Rs. Eighty Thousand Only) per month. The Adjunct Faculty will work at the host institution for a minimum of 02 days per visit.

7. Monitoring

At the end of assignment, every Adjunct Faculty will submit a ‘performance report’ to the host university with a copy to the University Grants Commission. The performance report, may be considered for his continuation / renewal of next tenure.

8. The guidelines issued by University Grants Commission from time to time with respect to Adjunct Professors will be followed.

[Act Section 28(1) (o); Statute 23(2)]

1. Scale of Pay

The Non-teaching employees of the University shall be paid a monthly salary and allowances admissible as per their respective Pay Bands prescribed by the UGC/GOI and adopted by the University from time to time.

2. Term of Appointment and Qualifications

The employees of the University shall be appointed in accordance with the Recruitment Rules notified by the University from time to time with the approval of the competent authority which will be in consonance with the Govt. of India/UGC guidelines issued from time to time.

3. Constitution of Selection Committees

3.1 The constitution of Selection Committees for appointment at non-teaching positions shall be as prescribed in the Cadre Recruitment Rules notified by the University from time to time.

3.2 The Vice Chancellor may co-opt one or more members as may be required.

4. Probation

The non-teaching employees shall be placed under probation for a period as prescribed in the Cadre Recruitment Rules. On successful completion of their probation, they shall be confirmed as per criteria laid down by the University for this purpose

5. Entitlement of Leave

Employee shall be entitled to all kinds of leave as per rule of Govt. Of India.

6. Medical Insurance/LTC/Other Benefits

Employees shall be entitled to Medical Insurance/LTC/Other Benefits as per rules prescribed by Government of India.

7. Conduct Rules

All employees shall be governed as per rules prescribed by Government of India.

8. Service Contract

All employees shall be required to sign a Service Contract with the University.

9. Removal

A non-teaching employee of the University can be removed from office as per the provisions of the Act, Statutes or relevant Ordinances.

[Act Section 28 (1) (o)]

1. Constitution

There shall be a Games and Sports Committee of the University.

2. Composition

The Games and Sports Committee shall consist of the following members:

2.1 Dean Students’ Welfare – Chairperson
2.2 Two prominent sportspersons to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor – Members
2.3 Presidents of various Games and Sports Clubs – Members
2.4 One Outstanding Sportsman / Sportswoman from among the students on rolls, nominated by the Chairperson – Member
2.5 Director of Physical Education/ Incharge Sports – Secretary (Ex-Officio)

3. Term of Office

The term of the office, other than the Secretary shall be two years. Further, the term of the outstanding sportsman/sportswoman (Student) will be one year.

4. Functions:

4.1 To take measures to attract the sports talent available in the University;

4.2 To make arrangements and supervise the games and sports of the University and frame Regulations in this regard;

4.3 To propose the budgetary requirements for games & sports.

4.4 To allocate finances to the various sports clubs;

4.5 To maintain the play-grounds, gymnasia, swimming pools and other sports facilities of the University;

4.6 To hold / organise contests, competitions, tournaments, athletic meets etc.;

4.7 To recommend to the Vice-Chancellor the names of outstanding players / sportspersons to be nominated for admission under sports quota;

4.8 To recommend to the Vice-Chancellor names of the Outstanding player / Sportspersons for training / coaching facilities / stipend; and

4.9 To perform such other functions, as may be assigned to it by the Executive Council / Vice- Chancellor from time to time.

5. Director of Physical Education or Incharge Sports will operate the budget under the supervision of Dean Students’ Welfare with the approval of Vice Chancellor.

6. Quorum

One-third of the total members shall form the quorum for a meeting of the committee, and the Committee shall meet at least once in a quarter.

7. Notice

Notice of the meetings of the committee shall be issued at least one week before the date fixed for the meeting.

8. Minutes

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the committee.

9. Rules of Business

The committee shall frame the rules of business and lay down guidelines for consideration and approval of the Vice Chancellor.

[Section 28(1) (O) & Statute 29 of the Act]

1. Annual Convocation

A Convocation for the purpose of conferring degrees shall ordinarily be held once in year on such date and place as may be fixed by the Vice Chancellor with prior approval of the Chancellor.

Provided that in case the Convocation is not held in a particular year, the Vice Chancellor shall be competent to authorize admission of successful candidates in the year to their respective degrees in absentia and issue the degrees on payment of prescribed fees.

2. Special Convocation

2.1 A special convocation may be held at such time as may be decided by the Executive Council for the purpose of conferring Honorary degrees in accordance with the procedure laid down in Statute 29 for the purpose of conferring other degrees under special circumstances on the recommendation of the Academic Council.

2.2 The convocation shall consist of the body corporate of the University.

2.3 The Chancellor shall preside over the Convocations of the University for conferring degrees.

3. Report

At the Annual Convocation the Vice Chancellor shall present a report of the year’s work in the University.

4. Notice

4.1 Not less than four weeks’ notice shall be given by the Registrar for meetings of the relevant statutory authorities for the Convocation.

4.2 The Registrar shall, with the notice, issue to each member of the convocation, a programme of the procedure to be observed there at.

4.3 The candidates who have passed their exams in the year since the last convocation shall be eligible to be admitted to the convocation.

5. Application

5.1 A candidate for the degree must submit to the Registrar his application on or before the date prescribe for the purpose for admission to the degree at the Convocation in person along with prescribed fees.

5.2 Such candidates as are unable to present themselves in person at the convocation shall be admitted to the degree in absentia by the Chancellor or in his/her absence by the Vice-Chancellor and their diplomas shall be given by the Registrar on application and payment of prescribed fees.

6. Fees

The fees for admission to the degree at the Convocation in person or in absentia shall be as decided by Academic council.

7. Honorary Degree

7.1 Honorary degree shall be conferred only at convocation and may be taken in person or in absentia.

7.2 The presentation of the persons at the Convocation on whom honorary degrees are to be conferred shall be made by the Vice-Chancellor or in his absence the Senior-most Dean of the University.

7.3 Candidates at the convocation shall wear gowns and hoods appropriate to their respective degrees as specified in rules by the University. No candidate shall be admitted to the convocation who is not in proper academic dress prescribed by the University.

8. Academic Dress

The academic dress of the University for the Convocation shall be as prescribed by the University.

9. Convocation Procedure

The Convocation Procedure of the University shall be as framed under its rules by the University.

[Act Section 6 (1) (xxiv) and 28 (1) (j)]

1. Composition

There shall be a Committee for governing the acceptance of endowment for award of fellowship/scholarship/studentship/gold medal/prize, consisting of the following:

1.1 One of the Deans to be nominated by the VC – Chairperson

1.2 Finance Officer – Member (Ex-officio)

1.3 Two Experts from Outside University to be nominated by the VC – Members

1.4 Registrar – Member-Secretary (Ex-officio)

2. Quorum

One-third members shall form the quorum for a meeting of the committee, and the Committee shall meet at least once in a year, preferably a day before Convocation.

3. Term of Office

The term of members, other than ex-officio members shall be 3 years.

4. Notice

Notice of the meetings of the committee shall be issued at least one week before the date fixed for the meeting.

5. Minutes

The Member-Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the committee.

6. Conditions for governing the acceptance of endowment for award of fellowship/ scholarship/ studentship/gold medal/prize:

6.1. The University shall not accept the endowment for the establishment of gold medal/prize/fellowship/scholarship/studentship, which are not open to all students of this University in the concerned programme/paper at an examination, irrespective of caste, creed, community, religion and region.

6.2. The University shall not accept the endowment whose corpus is less than Rs. 1,00,000 /- in case of Scholarship and Prize, Rs. 5, 00,000/- in case of one Gold Medal, Rs. 4, 00,000/- in case of Endowment Lecture and Rs. 12,00, 00,000/- for institution of a Chair. These will be accepted from the respective charity firms.

6.3. The endowment will be accepted only from persons/institutions with impeccable integrity.

6.4. No endowment will be instituted without approval of the Executive Council.

6.5. Where the amount of interest accruing on the corpus is not sufficient to obtain a Gold Medal manufactured, the University shall have discretion to award of cash prize in lieu of gold Medal. However, before awarding such cash prize the University shall request the donor or the awardee, wherever possible, as to whether he / she is willing to donate additional amount to enable the University to supplement the corpus for which Gold Medal instituted.

6.6. All offers of bequests, donations and endowments, the management whereof is to be vested in the University may be accepted on condition that the Annual income therefrom shall be subject to a deduction of 5% thereof which will be added to the corpus at the commencement of every financial year.

7. Rules of Business

The committee shall frame the rules of business and lay down guidelines for consideration and approval of the Vice Chancellor.

[Act Section 28 (1) (o)]

The promotion/career advancement of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors in the University shall be governed by the Norms/Regulations prescribed by the University Grants Commission in vogue and as amended from time to time.



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