Rain water harvesting systems and greening campaign in GPRA / GPOA complexes during 2020-21 – CPWD O.M. dated 24.07.2020

Rain water harvesting systems and greening campaign in GPRA / GPOA complexes during 2020-21 – CPWD O.M. dated 24.07.2020

Rain water harvesting systems and greening campaign in GPRA / GPOA complexes during 2020-21 – CPWD O.M. dated 24.07.2020

Government of India
Directorate General,
Central Public Works Department (Works-I)
A-110, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110011
Ph. (011)-23062218 Fax-.(011)-23062218
e-mail : [email protected]

F.No 18/31/2012-WI/DG/Vol-IV/176

Dated: 24.07.2020


Action plan for implementation of Rain water harvesting systems and greening campaign in GPRA / GPOA complexes during 2020-21.

A webinar was held on 23.07.2020 under the chairmanship of Secretary, MoHUA, under “catch the rain and greening” campaign. Following actionable points emerged:-

Rain water harvesting systems:

1. Rain water harvesting system shall be installed in all GPRA and GPOA complex Hostels, holiday homes and guest houses as per site feasibility. If installation of RWH is not feasible due to high water table or any other reasons, the possibility of collection/storage of rain water to be examined for using collected water later on.

2. Action plan shall be prepared by 30th, July, 2020 which shall be implemented in next 3 months. i.e up to 31, Oct, 2020.

3. Existing RWH structures completed under 100 day agenda action plan in 2019 and other existing RWH structures shall be revisited to ensure their functionality.

4. Additional RWH structures shall be constructed by field units, if so required.

5. Surface run off shall be capture in parks/open spaces/trenches or by other suitable methods as per site locations.


6. Plantation drive shall commence in all GPRA, GPOA, hostels, holiday homes and guest houses in which plantation of the medicinal plants shall be first priority. Second priority shall be given to fruit and flower bearing trees/plants. Plant saplings shall be distributed to residents having open spaces/courtyards. Creepers/ Bougainvillea/flowering trees shall be planted along boundary wall.

This issues with approval of DG, CPWD.

(Naresh Kumar)
Executive Engineer (P&WA)


(Through CPWD Website)

  1. All Spl. DGs/ADGs of CPWD/CEs/SEs/EEs
  2. DOG (Horticulture) for monitoring of plantation activities mentioned at S. No. 6.


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