Communications between Directorate and circles and within Directorate through electronic means to contain COVID-19

Communications between Directorate and circles and within Directorate through electronic means to contain COVID-19

Communications between Directorate and circles and within Directorate through electronic means to contain COVID-19

Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi — 110001
Dated: 06.07.2020


All Heads of Circles/Regions
Director (RAKNPA) / Directors (PTC)
All Heads of Postal Accounts Offices

Sub: Communications between Directorate and circles and within Directorate through electronic means to contain COVID-19 – Reg


The Covid-19 pandemic and its harmful impact has necessitated Ministries/Departments to bring unprecedented changes in the office processes and working to cope up with the pandemic and it’s after effects. In spirit of the guidelines issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in this regard and to promote contact less processes a need has been felt to stop physical dispatch of communications (Letters/ Statements/ Reports) between Directorate and the Circles and within the Directorate and to shift to electronic mode (emails and e-office) unless it is very necessary to use physical mode.This will also promote use of e-office, save paper and printing resources and also save time of staff.

2. Accordingly, it is requested that henceforth all the communications with Directorate / Circles should be done through electronic mode only ic. mails or e-office except where original documents are required to be submitted for the purpose.

3. This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Encls.: As above.

Yours faithfully,

Assistant Director General

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