Death Claim Settlement: EPFO instruction to give priority in the events of industrial accidents

Death Claim Settlement: EPFO instruction to give priority in the events of industrial accidents

Death Claim Settlement: EPFO instruction to give priority in the events of industrial accidents

File No.EDLI/3(39)SOM/2020


No: EDLI/3(39)SOM/2020

Date: 17.07.2020


1. Addl. Central PF Commissioner (Zones)
2. Regional PF Commissioner (in-charge of Regions)

Settlement of death claims on priority basis in events of industrial accidents, etc.


It is directed that in the events of any incidents of industrial accidents resulting in death of employees of a covered establishment, the concerned RPFC (in-charge of RO) is required to take immediate initiative to settle death claims of the concerned members.

2. Immediately upon learning of such an industrial incident, the concerned RPFC should depute an EO to ascertain the complete details of incident, death cases, etc. from the concerned establishment and ensure that due guidance is provided to the family members / legal beneficiaries of the deceased members for immediate filing of claims under the provisions of the schemes under EPF & MP Act, 1952.

3. A complete action taken report in respect of above should be sent to the Head Office through concerned ACC (Zones) within two days of any such industrial incident.

{This issues with the approval of ACC (HQ) Pension.}

Yours sincerely,

(Kartikey Singh)
Regional P. F. Commissioner-I(Pension)

Source: (Click here to view/download PDF)

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