Air Travel: Railway Board Guidelines regarding seeking relaxation to travel by airlines other than Air India – RBE No. 50/2020

Air Travel: Railway Board Guidelines regarding seeking relaxation to travel by airlines other than Air India – RBE No. 50/2020

Air Travel: Railway Board Guidelines regarding seeking relaxation to travel by airlines other than Air India – RBE No. 50/2020

Government of India (भारत सरकार)
Ministry of Railways (रेल मंत्रालय)
(Railway Board) (रेलवे बोर्ड)

RBE No.50/2020

No. F(E)I/2020/AL-28/13

New Delhi, dated 08.07,2020

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways etc.
(As per Standard Mailing List)

Sub: Guidelines for air travel on Official Tours; sending requests through e-mail only.

In accordance with the instructions contained in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure’s O.M. Nos. 19024/1/2009-E-IV, dated 13.07.2009, 16.09.2010 & 28.07.2011 on the subject, as communicated by Ministry of Civil Aviation, certain guidelines (alongwith the proforma for seeking relaxation to travel by airline other than Air India, as issued by MoF) were circulated vide Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2016/AL-28/25 dated 16;05.2016 regarding grant of permission to travel by airlines other than Air India for official air travel (both domestic and international) by Railway officers. The guidelines were reiterated I re-circulated and updated from time to time on the receipt of further instructions from MoF.

2. At present, the request of Railway officers for air travel including those seeking relaxation to travel by airline other than Air India are being received in Board’s Office for approval either by post or by fax, both are paper consuming media. More so, request by post are most often received after the scheduled date of journey, while these should reach at least 07 working days in advance from the date of journey.

3. For some time past, emphasis is being given on paper-less office. Recently, the use of e­office has been made compulsory in Board’s Office and all files are to be put up electronically through e-office portal. Also, in the present situation of COVID-19 pandemic, handling of papers / physical files are not advisable.

4. Recently economy, austerity and cost control measures have been circulated to all Indian Railways through Board (FC)’s D.O. letter No. 2015-B-235, dated 19.06.2020. Para­ I.(f) & V.(j) of Enclosure to this letter inter alia provides for reduction in instances of TA by 50% and curtailment of travel expenditure. While Para-V.(b) inter alia provides that for correspondences secure e-mail should be used.

5. In view of the above, all Indian Railways/PUs are advised that:

(i) travel by air should be avoided as far as possible, guidelines issued by Board’s Office in this regard from time to time should be strictly adhered to.

(ii) all the requests for air travel including those seeking relaxation/permission to travel by other than Air India flight must be submitted to Railway Board at least 07 working days in advance from the scheduled date of travel, in duly filled proforma prescribed by MoF, alongwith all necessary documents e.g. tour programme duly approved by competent authority, papers indicating the non-availability of AI flights etc. through email only (preferably by NIC mail).

6. The email ID for the purpose is [email protected]. The request may be mailed under the subject line “Air travel Request”.

7. This issues with the approval of Board (FC).

8. Strict compliance of the letter may be ensured.

9. Please acknowledge receipt.

(Vikas Makhijani)
Deputy Director Finance/DFC
Railway Board.

air travel railway board guidelines regarding seeking relaxation to travel by airlines other than air india rbe no 50 2020

Source: Railway Board (Click here to view/download the PDF)

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