Tag: Vacancies

Special drive to fill all vacancies through Centralized Computer-Based Exam for Group ‘B’ promotions in Indian Railways across all organized services

Special drive to fill all vacancies through Centralized Computer-Based Exam for Group ‘B’ promotions in Indian Railways across all organized services

Special drive to fill all vacancies through Centralized Computer-Based Exam for Group 'B' promotions in Indian Railways across all organized services ...
Need for reporting accurate number of vacancies and adjustment of candidates to be appointed based on court directions: DoPT OM dated 03.11.2023

Need for reporting accurate number of vacancies and adjustment of candidates to be appointed based on court directions: DoPT OM dated 03.11.2023

Need for reporting accurate number of vacancies and adjustment of candidates to be appointed based on court directions: DoP&T OM dated 03.11.2023 ...
Instructions for timely filling up of vacancies by General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) — RBE No. 17/2023

Instructions for timely filling up of vacancies by General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) — RBE No. 17/2023

Instructions for timely filling up of vacancies by General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) — RBE No. 17/2023 RBE No. 17/2023 भारत सरकार/ ...
Filling up of promotional vacancies in Loco Running cadre and merger of cadre/ seniority of Loco Pilots (Electrical and Mechanical): RBE No. 29/202

Filling up of promotional vacancies in Loco Running cadre and merger of cadre/ seniority of Loco Pilots (Electrical and Mechanical): RBE No. 29/202

Filling up of promotional vacancies in Loco Running cadre and merger of cadre/ seniority of Loco Pilots (Electrical and Mechanical): RBE No. 29/202 R ...

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