Tag: Outsourcing

Cost ceiling of attendants engaged in lieu of TADK through contracted manpower outsourcing agency : Clarification by Railway Board

Cost ceiling of attendants engaged in lieu of TADK through contracted manpower outsourcing agency : Clarification by Railway Board

Cost ceiling of attendants engaged in lieu of TADK through contracted manpower outsourcing agency/संविदाधारी जनशक्ति आउटसोर्सिग एजेंसी के माध्यम से टे ...
Posting/working of Outsourced/hired person in Board’s Office to assist in file processing/office work only: Railway Board Office Order No. 65 of 2022 dated 17.10.2022

Posting/working of Outsourced/hired person in Board’s Office to assist in file processing/office work only: Railway Board Office Order No. 65 of 2022 dated 17.10.2022

Posting/working of Outsourced/hired person in Board’s Office to assist the Officer/Branch for file processing/office work only: Railway Board Office O ...
Payment of wages to outsources persons of Ministries/Department during 2nd Wave of COVID-19 – Department of Posts order dated 22.06.2021

Payment of wages to outsources persons of Ministries/Department during 2nd Wave of COVID-19 – Department of Posts order dated 22.06.2021

Payment of wages to outsources persons of Ministries/Department during 2nd Wave of COVID-19 - Department of Posts order dated 22.06.2021 No. 4-4/2009 ...
Payment of wages to outsources persons of Ministries/Department during 2nd Wave of COVID-19

Payment of wages to outsources persons of Ministries/Department during 2nd Wave of COVID-19

Payment of wages to outsources persons of Ministries/Department during 2nd Wave of COVID-19 No. 23(4)/E.Coord/2020/1 Government of India Ministry o ...
Guidelines for outsourcing of manpower in ROs/NLIs/JNVs – NVS Order dated 2-6-2021

Guidelines for outsourcing of manpower in ROs/NLIs/JNVs – NVS Order dated 2-6-2021

Guidelines for outsourcing of manpower in ROs/NLIs/JNVs - NVS Order dated 2-6-2021 नवोदय विद्यालय समिति Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti शिक्षा मंत्रालय, ...
Protest against Recruitment of Outsourced Postal Employees

Protest against Recruitment of Outsourced Postal Employees

Protest against Recruitment of Outsourced Postal Employees NATONAL FEDERATON OF POSTAL EPLOYEES 1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Det ...