Tag: National Recruitment Agency
Setting up of National Recruitment Agency (NRA) as an autonomous and self-reliant body to conduct a Common Eligibility Test (CET) – DoPT OM dated 28-08-2020
Setting up of National Recruitment Agency (NRA) as an autonomous and self-reliant body to conduct a Common Eligibility Test (CET) - DoPT OM dated 28-0 ...
National Recruitment Agency to conduct Common Eligibility Test – Cabinet approves मंत्रिमंडल ने सामान्य योग्यता परीक्षा (सीईटी) आयोजित करने के लिए राष्ट्रीय भर्ती एजेंसी के गठन को मंजूरी दी
National Recruitment Agency to conduct Common Eligibility Test – Cabinet approves मंत्रिमंडल ने सामान्य योग्यता परीक्षा (सीईटी) आयोजित करने के लिए राष ...