Tag: MHA

Award of President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service/ Police Medal for Meritorious Service – MHA order dated 25.08.2022
Award of President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service/ Police Medal for Meritorious Service - MHA order dated 25.08.2022

Dearness Relief : Revised rates @ 32% w.e.f. 01.01.2022 admissible to the Central Freedom Fighter/ spouse/ daughter pensioners
Dearness Relief : Revised rates @ 32% w.e.f. 01.01.2022 admissible to the Central Freedom Fighter/ spouse/ daughter pensioners
F.No.45/08/2017-FF(P) ...

Observance of silence on 30th January (Martyrs’ Day) in the memory of those who sacrificed their lives during struggle for India’s freedom – Home Ministry’s order dated 7.01.2022
Observance of silence on 30th January (Martyrs’ Day) in the memory of those who sacrificed their lives during struggle for India’s freedom - Home Mini ...

Observance of two minutes silence on 30th January (Martyr’s Day) in the memory of those who sacrificed their lives during struggle for India’s freedom – Railway Board order
Observance of two minutes silence on 30th January (Martyr’s Day) in the memory of those who sacrificed their lives during struggle for India’s freedom ...

MHA Guidelines for Surveillance, Containment and Caution in view of COVID-19
MHA Guidelines for Surveillance, Containment and Caution in view of COVID-19
No. 40-3/2020-DM-I(A)
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
No ...

Unlock 4.0: MHA Guidelines for Phased Re-opening – Schools, Colleges and coaching institutions will continue to remain closed up to 30th September 2020
Unlock 4.0: MHA Guidelines for Phased Re-opening - Schools, Colleges and coaching institutions will continue to remain closed up to 30th September 202 ...

MHA Guidelines for Phased Re-opening (Unlock 3)/Offences and Penalties for violation of Lockdown measures/National Directives for COVID-19 Management
MHA Guidelines for Phased Re-opening (Unlock 3)/Offences and Penalties for violation of Lockdown measures/National Directives for COVID-19 Management