Tag: Departmental Council

Directive on Revitalizing Joint Consultative Machinery: DOPT needs immediate action for the constitution of Departmental Councils

Directive on Revitalizing Joint Consultative Machinery: DOPT needs immediate action for the constitution of Departmental Councils

Directive on Revitalizing Joint Consultative Machinery: DOPT needs immediate action for the constitution of Departmental Councils No.4/3/2019- JCA G ...
Non — functioning of Departmental/ Office Councils : DoPT O.M

Non — functioning of Departmental/ Office Councils : DoPT O.M

Non — functioning of Departmental/ Office Councils : DoPT O.M No.4/3/2019- JCA dated 18th August 2021 Meeting of the Departmental Council/ Office Cou ...
Functioning of Departmental Councils – DoPT O.M. No.4/3/ 2019- JCA

Functioning of Departmental Councils – DoPT O.M. No.4/3/ 2019- JCA

Functioning of Departmental Councils - DoPT O.M. No.4/3/ 2019- JCA No.4/3/ 2019- JCA Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances a ...

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