Tag: Confirmation

Process of confirmation of Direct Recruit/Promotee officers of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) – Information Document by DOPT (updated as on 07/10/2022)

Process of confirmation of Direct Recruit/Promotee officers of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) – Information Document by DOPT (updated as on 07/10/2022)

Process of confirmation of Direct Recruit/Promotee officers of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) - Information Document by DOPT (updated as on 0 ...
Probation and / or Confirmation of direct recruits Multi Tasking Staff, Postman, Mail Guard and Stenographer Grade-II

Probation and / or Confirmation of direct recruits Multi Tasking Staff, Postman, Mail Guard and Stenographer Grade-II

Probation and / or Confirmation of direct recruits Multi Tasking Staff, Postman, Mail Guard and Stenographer Grade-II F.No.W-17/31/2021-SPN-I-DOP Go ...
Probation and / or Confirmation of direct recruits Multi Tasking Staff, Postman, Mail Guard and Stenographer Grade-II – Instruction by Department of Posts

Probation and / or Confirmation of direct recruits Multi Tasking Staff, Postman, Mail Guard and Stenographer Grade-II – Instruction by Department of Posts

Probation and / or Confirmation of direct recruits Multi Tasking Staff, Postman, Mail Guard and Stenographer Grade-II - Instruction by Department of P ...

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