Category: Deptt. of Revenue

Waiver of recovery on account of withdrawal of 3rd MACP in the GP of Rs.6600/- granted to various officers

Waiver of recovery on account of withdrawal of 3rd MACP in the GP of Rs.6600/- granted to various officers

Waiver of recovery on account of withdrawal of 3rd MACP in the GP of Rs.6600/- granted to various officers F.No. A-26017/04/2022-Ad.IIA Government o ...
Compassionate appointment – Relative merit point & revised procedure for selection/Tie breaking formula

Compassionate appointment – Relative merit point & revised procedure for selection/Tie breaking formula

Compassionate appointment – Relative merit point & revised procedure for selection/Tie breaking formula F.No.A.12012/ 8/ 2020-Ad.III.B Governmen ...

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