Category: DoT Circular

Sensitive posts of ITS Group ‘A’ in DoT

Sensitive posts of ITS Group ‘A’ in DoT

Sensitive posts of ITS Group ‘A’ in DoT. All the posts of ITS Group ‘A’ under the hierarchy of the following Divisions in respective DoT units have be ...
Production of receipt/vouchers for reimbursement of Travelling charges for travel within the city admissible under Daily Allowance on tour – Circular No. 152

Production of receipt/vouchers for reimbursement of Travelling charges for travel within the city admissible under Daily Allowance on tour – Circular No. 152

Production of receipt/vouchers for reimbursement of Travelling charges for travel within the city admissible under Daily Allowance on tour - Circular ...
Guidelines/Instructions to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic – DoT O.M. No. F.No. 16-30 /2020-O&M dated 11th June, 2020

Guidelines/Instructions to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic – DoT O.M. No. F.No. 16-30 /2020-O&M dated 11th June, 2020

Guidelines/Instructions to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic - DoT O.M. No. F.No. 16-30 /2020-O&M dated 11th June, 2020 F.No. 16-30 /2020-O ...
Timely release of terminal benefits to the families of the government employees who have died in harness due to Corona pandemic or other reasons

Timely release of terminal benefits to the families of the government employees who have died in harness due to Corona pandemic or other reasons

Timely release of terminal benefits to the families of the government employees who have died in harness due to Corona pandemic or other reasons: Depa ...
Time limit for treating a Speed Post article as ‘lost’ in absence of final delivery status for the purpose of payment of compensation

Time limit for treating a Speed Post article as ‘lost’ in absence of final delivery status for the purpose of payment of compensation

Time limit for treating a Speed Post article as ‘lost’ in absence of final delivery status for the purpose of payment of compensation No. 39-32/2019- ...
Cadre controlling functions in respect of unabsorbed Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ employees – DoT O.M. dated 25.03.2021

Cadre controlling functions in respect of unabsorbed Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ employees – DoT O.M. dated 25.03.2021

Cadre controlling functions in respect of unabsorbed Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ employees working in various Telecom Circles, Maintenance regions etc. of BSN ...
Disciplinary Authority and Appellate Authority of TES Group ‘B’ – Regarding

Disciplinary Authority and Appellate Authority of TES Group ‘B’ – Regarding

Disciplinary Authority and Appellate Authority of TES Group 'B' - Regarding File No. 9-11(02)/2020-Estt Government of India Ministry of Communicati ...
SPARROW – Master Data Updation in Sparrow Portal of IP&TAFS Group ‘A’ Officers

SPARROW – Master Data Updation in Sparrow Portal of IP&TAFS Group ‘A’ Officers

SPARROW - Master Data Updation in Sparrow Portal of IP&TAFS Group 'A' Officers - Reg. File No. CS/Adv(Finance)/SPARROW/2019-20 Government of Ind ...
Local officiating arrangements in different grades of Indian P&T Accounts and Finance Services, Group ‘A’- Consolidated Instruction from Dept. of Telecommunications

Local officiating arrangements in different grades of Indian P&T Accounts and Finance Services, Group ‘A’- Consolidated Instruction from Dept. of Telecommunications

Local officiating arrangements in different grades of Indian P&T Accounts and Finance Services, Group ‘A’- Consolidated Instruction from Dept. of ...
CGDA: 7th CPC Protection of pay to Central Government Servant consequent to appointment through direct recruitment under FR 22 B(1)

CGDA: 7th CPC Protection of pay to Central Government Servant consequent to appointment through direct recruitment under FR 22 B(1)

CGDA: 7th CPC Protection of pay to Central Government Servant consequent to appointment to a new post in different service or cadre in Central Governm ...

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