Streamlining of pension payment procedure – first identification of pensioner for release of pensionary awards reg – DESW Order No. 3(1)/2015/D(Pen/ Policy) dated 9th April 2021
No. 3(1)/2015/D(Pen/ Policy)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
D(Pension/ Policy)
New Delhi, Dated: 9th April, 2021
The Chief of Army Staff
The Chief of Naval Staff
The Chief of Air Staff
Subject: Streamlining of pension payment procedure- first identification of pensioner for release of pensionary awards reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to provisions contained in Regulations 76(a) (ii) and 76(b) (iii) of Pension Regulations for the Army Part-11(2008) and similar provisions available for Navy & Air Force in their respective Pension Regulations which prescribe that upon receipt of Pension Payment Order etc, the Pension Disbursing Agency (PDA) will make payment of the pensionary benefits only after due identification of the pensioner. The modes of identification of pensioner have been prescribed in Regulation 78 and 80 of PRA Part-II(2008). Government has also authorized PDAs to accept e-life certificates issued by Jeevan Pramaan using biometric verification vide this Ministry’s letter No 3(01)/ 2015- D(Pen/ Pol) dated 25.8.2015. Kind attention is drawn to provisions of Para 3 of ibid letter dated 25.8.2 015 which prescribes that physical presence is not required to receive first payment of pensionary benefits and that the undertaking for refund/to make good of excess payment and re-employment status after discharge/ retirement by retiree, are to be submitted along with pension claim.
2. In order to remove this discrepancy in the rule position regarding requirement of first identification for commencement of pension, it has been decided that life certification of retiring pensioner either physically or otherwise (through biometric or life certificate) is not required for release of Gratuity, Commuted Value of Pension, Ex-gratia payments, monthly pension etc. where the payment is to be disbursed through SPARSH application. However, existing rules relating to annual identification of pensioner after completing twelve months from date of first disbursement of pensionary benefits may continue to be followed as hithertofore.
3. The above said dispensation is not applicable for-
- Payment of pensionary benefits to the family pensioners in cases of death of the Service personnel in service or after retirement. In such cases payment of pension as well as lump sum payments, if any, will be paid only after identification of family pensioner.
- Payment of pension/family pension other than through SPARSH application.
4. The Head of Office/Service HQrs/ Record Offices will be responsible for ensuring that action for cancellation of PPO is taken immediately in case where death of individual occurs before discharge/ retirement from service. This is necessary to avoid any overpayment or payment of gratuity to parties other than the nominee. In case any excess payment occurs in such cases, the same shall be adjusted against payment due to subsequent family pensioner(s), as per the existing orders on the subject.
5. This order will be applicable from date of issue of this letter. The relevant provisions of Pension Regulations for the Army, Navy & Air Force will be amended in due course.
6. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance/ Pension) vide ID No. 10 (07)/ 2014/ FIN/ PEN dated 26.2.2021.
7. Hindi version will follow.
Yours faithfully,
(Ashok Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
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CGDA, New Delhi,
As per Standard distribution list.
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