“Rail Good Works Portal” – Freely share the Good Works being done by staff/officers: Railways Board order dated 21.01.2021

“Rail Good Works Portal” – Freely share the Good Works being done by staff/officers: Railways Board order dated 21.01.2021

“Rail Good Works Portal” – Freely share the Good Works being done by staff/officers: Railways Board order dated 21.01.2021

RAILWAY BOARD/रेलवे बोर्ड

No. 2018/E&R/10(10)/5 (Pt.)

New Delhi, dated 21.01.2021

General Managers / All Indian Railways/ PUs/ NF (Con)/CORE
CAO DMW/Patiala, RWP/Bela, IROAF

Sub: ‘Good Work done’ practices reported by Railway units

Ref: (i) CRB’s D.O. letter no. 2018/Transf. Cell/Good Works Portal dt. 16.01.2018
(ii) PED(Transformation)’s letter no. 2018/Transf. Cell/Good Works Portal dt. 17.01.2018

“Rail Good Works Portal” is hosted on the website of Indian Railways with the objective to provide an on-line platform through which various Zones, Divisions, PUs, RDSO and Central Training Institutes (CTls) can freely share and see the good works being done by them. The address of the portal is:

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2. Board(CRB) vide his D.O. letter referred at (i) above, had instructed for active sharing of the “Good Works” being done by Railway units on this portal. Detailed instructions regarding use of this portal were circulated vide Board’s letter referred at (ii) above and login-passwords were provided for the same.

3. E&R Dte. in Board’s office is identifying selected Good Work practices for dissemination of information and initial mass scale implementation across Railway units, wherever applicable.

4. In order to improve the culture of innovation and good work in the organization, the staff/officers may be encouraged to do innovative/good works and upload the same on the portal.

5. it is also requested to go through the innovative & good work done at the portal by various units and feasible good works may be replicated to the maximum extent possible over IR to improve the productivity, revenue optimization & organization’s image enhancement.

(Umesh Balonda)
Executive Director /E&R
Email: [email protected]

Copy to:

(i) All Board Members
(ii) OSD to CRB for kind information of CRB


Source: Click here to view/download order

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