Railway : Future Mechanised laundries over Indian Railways – Formation of Committee to examine the possible options and to suggest alternatives reg.
No. 2017/EnHM/26/04
New Delhi, dated 14.10.2020
General Managers
All Zonal Railways
SUB: Future of Mechanised laundries due to Covid impact
REF: (i) RB Order No. ERB-I/2020/23/25, dated 24.09.2020
(ii) RB letters of even no., dated 08.07.2020 and 03.09.2020
The train services are restricted and linen is not being supplied in trains due to Covid-19 pandemic. Vide RB letter of even no., dated 08.07.2020, it was advised that new contracts of mechanised laundries should not be finalised. Further, vide RB letter of even no. dated 03.09.2020, Railways were advised to examine the possibility of cancellation of existing LOAs, and process for the same where feasible, safeguarding interest of the railways in terms of legal contractual obligations.
Vide Railway Board Order No. ERB-I/2020/23/25, dated 24.09.2020, a Committee of ED/EnHM/ME (Convener), ED F(X)-I and ED /L&A is nominated to examine the possible options and to suggest alternatives on the future of mechanised laundries over Indian Railways, in the context of Covid-19. Terms of Reference of the Committee are as given below :
i. To examine and recommend various alternatives for utilisation and future disposal of Mechanised Laundries ;
ii. while suggesting alternatives including foreclosure, the Committee will explore existing contracts of BOOT laundries, taking into consideration the contractual, financial and legal issues to protect the interest of Railways ; and
iii. Any other connected issue/s while implementing Railway Board’s letter No. 2017/EnHM/26/04 dated 03.09.2020.
Railways are requested to explore and advise various possible options /alternatives for utilisation and future disposal of Mechanised Laundries, separately for :
a. Departmental laundries — existing laundries and the LOAs ;
b. BOOT laundries — existing laundries and the LOAs.
Relevant portion of contract documents may also be provided. Contractual, financial and legal issues / repercussions, if any, for the possible options should be brought out. Any other connected issue/s while implementing Railway Board’s letter No. 2017/EnHM/26/04 dated 03.09.2020 should also be advised. Views of associate Finance and Legal Branch may also be taken as necessary.
Feedback is requested by 28.10.2020, a copy of reply may be emailed to – advenhm@rb. railnet.gov.in.
(Shivendra Mohan)
Executive Director
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