Extension of Special concessions/ incentives to the CG employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached or subordinate offices or PSUs – DoT Circular No. 238

Extension of Special concessions/ incentives to the CG employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached or subordinate offices or PSUs – DoT Circular No. 238

No. 6-21(01)/2019-PAT
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications

1120, Sanchar Bhawan,
20-Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001


Subject: Extension of Special concessions/ incentives to the Central Government employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached / subordinate offices or PSUs falling under control of the Central Government for a further period of three years with effect from 01.08.2024-reg.

The undersigned is directed to forward herewith a copy of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training Office Memorandum No. A-24011/3/2025-Estt.(Leave) dated 24.02.2025 on the subject cited above for information and necessary action.

Encl.: As above [DOPT O.M No. A-24011/3/2025-Estt.(Leave) dated 24.02.2025]

Digitally signed by
Pravin Kumar Singh
Date: 03-03-2025
(Pravin Kumar Singh)
Phone: 23036392

Copy to:

  1. PPS to Secretary (Telecom.).
  2. PPS to Member(S)/Member(F)/Member(T).
  3. PPS to Director General, Telecom/CGCA.
  4. PPS to Additional Secretary(T).
  5. All Advisors/DG(NTIPRIT)/Sr.DDG(TEC)/(NCCS).
  6. The Chairman, TRAI.
  7. All Heads of L.S.As/C.C.As.
  9. Executive Director, C-DOT/Dir., WMO, New Delhi.
  10. 10. All DDGs/Directors of DoT.
  11. PAO and all the concerned Sections, DoT, New Delhi.
  12. SO (Pay Bill), DoT, Hq., Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi.

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