Inter Railway Own Request Transfer – System improvement: EC Railway

Inter Railway Own Request Transfer – System improvement: EC Railway

Inter Railway Own Request Transfer – System improvement: EC Railway

मुख्यालयकार्यालय, कार्मिकविभाग, रेलसदन, साउथब्लॉकभुवने श्वर
Headquarters Office, Personnel Department, Rail Sadan,
South Block, Bhubaneswar-751017

No. ECoR-HQ/PERS(R)/9 /2021(80/2024)

Date: 09.09.2024

The Senior Divisional Personnel Officers,
East Coast Railway.

Sub: Inter Railway Own Request Transfer-System improvement-reg.

Ref: GM (Vig./BBS letter No. GM/ECoR/V-2/HCM/PIDPI/2024-1 10-1383/598 dated 14.06.2024.


The policy instructions regulating Inter Railway Own Request Transfer and assignment of seniority as contained in Para 102A and 312 of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual Vol.I, 1989 and administrative instructions issued from time to time vide RBE No. 24/2000, RBE No. 107/2007, RBE No. 153/2019, RBE No. 85/2020, RBE No. 148/2023 & RBE No. 39/2024 are hereby reiterated and instructions contained therein should be followed scrupulously.

At present, all the Inter Railway/Division/Unit Own Request Transfers are being considered through the Human Resource Management System (HRMS). While processing own request transfer cases through the HRMS, one unique registration number is generated. At the same time, one combined priority position i.e. incoming and outgoing priority number with date is also generated in HRMS on IROT/IDOT sought on spouse ground, care givers of disabled child, physically handicapped Railway Servants and compassionate appointee widow, etc. In case of complaint regarding breach of priority, the same can be checked in HRMS. However, to avoid any irregularity and in order to bring transparency in Inter Railway/Division/Unit Own Request Transfer, as a measure of System improvement, it has been decided by the competent authority that before implementation of HRMS, where manual priority was maintained to deal with the IROT/IDOT cases, one manual register should be maintained at HQ/Division/Unit level indicating appropriate priority number with date, as it was assigned before implementation of HRMS till all such request Transfer cases of IROT/IDOT are dealt and finalized in HRMS.

As per manual assigned priority number (i.e. maintaining category wise priority) and the employee concerned is advised of the allotted priority, when asked for the same. In no occasion assigned priority should be changed. In case of breach/change of priority, it will be viewed seriously. The concerned Railway employee who is found responsible for breach of priority should be taken up under Railway Servants (D&A) Rules, 1968 and appropriate punishment may be imposed on the erring employee.

This is issued with the approval of competent authority.

Encl: Nil.

(Penta Radhakrishna)
Assistant Personnel Officer (HQ)
For Principal Chief Personnel Officer

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