Prevention of misappropriation of funds/ unwarranted incidents etc for saving the organization from financial / reputational risk – CVC seeks nomination from organizations

Prevention of misappropriation of funds/ unwarranted incidents etc for saving the organization from financial / reputational risk – CVC seeks nomination from organizations

Prevention of misappropriation of funds/ unwarranted incidents etc for saving the organization from financial / reputational risk – CVC seeks nomination from organizations

केन्द्रीय सतर्कता आयोग

सतर्कता भवन, जी.पी.ओ. कॉम्‍प्‍लैक्‍स,
ब्लॉक-ए, आई.एन.ए., नई दिल्‍ली-110023
Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi-110023

सं./No. 022/MSC/022/521080
दिनांक / Dated: 11.08.2022


Subject: Nomination for recognizing the work of officials / personnel of Ministries / Departments / PSUs / PSEBs who have been vigilant / alert in their assigned tasks leading to prevention of misappropriation of funds / unwarranted incidents etc. for saving the organization from financial / reputational risk.

The Commission always gives highest importance to ensure integrity in public governance through the tool of Preventive Vigilance. In every organization there may be cases where prompt and preventive action has been taken by the officials/staff members which have helped the organization in avoiding misappropriation of funds etc.

2. The Commission has been consistently making an endeavor that such vigilant/alert actions of the officials need to be recognized who have played very important role at a given point of time by exercising deep sense of involvement and taking appropriate timely action leading to prevention of misappropriation of funds/ frauds/ unwarranted incidents etc. for saving the organization from financial / reputational risk.

3. In order to motivate officials in the organizations, during the last VAW 2021 the Commission had sought nominations from the various organizations who had done commendable job in the interest of the organization and honored them accordingly. The Commission has decided that nominations from organizations may be sought for VAW 2022 for recognizing the efforts of such employees can be duly recognized which would definitely motivate other officials to be vigilant / alert in their work.

4. In this connection, all CVOs including part-time CVOs are requested to kindly identify such preventive actions which have been taken by the officials in the last one year in their organization. The concerned identified officials/staff members who have played pivotal role in the preventive actions may be sent to the Commission with the approval of the Chief Executive Officer of the organization.

5. The desired information may kindly be furnished to the Commission in format attached herewith by 15th September 2022 at email kumar[dot]arvind72[at]nic[dot]in

6. This issues with the approval of the Commission.

Encl: As above

(Ajay Kanoujia)
Additional Secretary

All CVOs of the Organization/Ministries/Departments

Format for furnishing details of the official/staf¢ nominated for recognizing his/her work by  the Central Vigilance Commission

S.No. Description Details to be furnished by the CVO
1. Name of the Organisation
2. Name of the nominated official and designation

Name of the Organisation.

Number of year(s) served in the organisation/Ministry/ Department

3. Specific details of any one of the following preventive measures taken by an official/employee and outcome thereof;

(i) Prompt action by the official that has helped the organisation in avoiding misappropriation of funds/ frauds /financial losses to the organisation and also corrective course of action on the irregularities which was likely to take place in the organisation, if any.

(ii) Official who has identified loopholes in the system/norms and organization has carried out systemic improvement for avoiding lapses/financial losses in future.

(iii) Any other important initiative taken by official on preventive vigilance

4. Justification/write-up by the CVO (within 200 words)


2. The above information has been checked and the name of the officials/staff for recognition has been duly approved by the Chief Executive Officer of the organisation.

Signature of the CVO

Name/Organisation/Contact Number/Email address

Source: Click to view/download PDF

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