While going in for Dependent’s Pension Request we long time retired officials are asked or forced to “Carry Physical PPO of Family Pensioner” which had been greatly preserved all these years. To avoiding the risk of carrying the seniormost pensuoners need to be provided this as ‘Extra facility’. We greatefully “Hope this present CG will do anything constructively. Also the Dependent may also not be that much vigil as they themself are not exemployees on their anguished days of losing parents.
While going in for Dependent’s Pension Request we long time retired officials are asked or forced to “Carry Physical PPO of Family Pensioner” which had been greatly preserved all these years. To avoiding the risk of carrying the seniormost pensuoners need to be provided this as ‘Extra facility’. We greatefully “Hope this present CG will do anything constructively. Also the Dependent may also not be that much vigil as they themself are not exemployees on their anguished days of losing parents.