Month: October 2024

Replacement of Staff Cars – Railway Board Order RBE No. 95/2024
Replacement of Staff Cars – Railway Board Order RBE No. 95/2024
RBE No. 95/2024

Grant of Notional Increment on 1st July/ 1st January for the purpose of calculating pensionary benefits to those who retired from Central Govt. service on 30th June/ 31st December – DoP&T O.M. dated 14.10.2024
Grant of Notional Increment on 1st July/ 1st January for the purpose of calculating pensionary benefits to those who retired from Central Govt. servic ...

NPS: Entitlement on resignation from Government service in respect of Central Government servant covered under the National Pension System
NPS: Entitlement on resignation from Government service in respect of Central Government servant covered under the National Pension System
No. – 57/0 ...

राष्ट्रीय पेंशन प्रणाली के अंतर्गत कवर किए गए केंद्र सरकार के कर्मचारियों के संबंध में राष्ट्रीय पेंशन प्रणाली में सरकारी कर्मचारी द्वारा अंशदान
राष्ट्रीय पेंशन प्रणाली के अंतर्गत कवर किए गए केंद्र सरकार के कर्मचारियों के संबंध में राष्ट्रीय पेंशन प्रणाली में सरकारी कर्मचारी द्वारा अंशदान
सं.- ...

Contribution by the Government employee to the National Pension System in respect to Central Government employees covered under NPS
Contribution by the Government employee to the National Pension System in respect to Central Government employees covered under NPS
No. – 57/03/2022- ...

Enhancement of Constant Attendant Allowance (CAA) under CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1939 / 2023: DoP&PW OM dated 03.10.2024
Enhancement of Constant Attendant Allowance (CAA) under CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1939 / 2023: DoP&PW OM dated 03.10.2024
फा. न. 1/5/202 ...

Payment of advance against the Productivity Linked Bonus admissible for the eligible Group C and Group B (Non- Gazetted) employees of Employees’ Provident Fund Organization for the year 2023-24
Payment of advance against the Productivity Linked Bonus admissible for the eligible Group C and Group B (Non- Gazetted) employees of Employees’ Provi ...

Centralized CBT for Promotions from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts – No negative marking in written examinations held as part of Selections (70%) where the final panels are made on seniority basis: RBE No. 93/2024
Centralized CBT for Promotions from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts – No negative marking in written examinations held as part of Selections (70%) where ...

Railway Board’s clarification on Grant of Notional Increment to pensioners who retires on 30th June/31st December based on Supreme Court Interim order dated 06.09.2024
Railway Board's clarification on Grant of Notional Increment to pensioners who retires on 30th June/31st December based on Supreme Court Interim order ...

Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to CG Employees for the year 2023-24 : Finmin O.M. dated 10.10.2024
Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to CG Employees for the year 2023-24 : Finmin O.M. dated 10.10.2024
No.7 /24/2007/E III (A)
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