Day: February 24, 2024

Grant of notional increment (as due on 1st Jan./ 1st July) to the officers/ employees superannuated on 31st Dec./ 30th June and revision of pensionary benefits

Grant of notional increment (as due on 1st Jan./ 1st July) to the officers/ employees superannuated on 31st Dec./ 30th June and revision of pensionary benefits

Grant of notional increment (as due on 1st Jan./ 1st July) to the officers/ employees superannuated on 31st Dec./ 30th June and revision of pensionary ...
Standard UPSC-33 Proforma alongwith Check-list for receiving requisition in UPSC in view of PwBD and EWS reservation – DoPT OM dated 22.02.2024

Standard UPSC-33 Proforma alongwith Check-list for receiving requisition in UPSC in view of PwBD and EWS reservation – DoPT OM dated 22.02.2024

Standard UPSC-33 Proforma alongwith Check-list for receiving requisition in UPSC in view of PwBD and EWS reservation - DoPT OM dated 22.02.2024 No.39 ...
Guidelines for posting and transfer of the officers of IP&TAFS Group ‘B’: Postal Department’s OM dated 20.02.2024

Guidelines for posting and transfer of the officers of IP&TAFS Group ‘B’: Postal Department’s OM dated 20.02.2024

Guidelines for posting and transfer of the officers of IP&TAFS Group ‘B’: Postal Department's OM dated 20.02.2024 No: 2-25/2023/PACE/ART / 2107-8 ...

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