Day: March 19, 2021
Grant of Paid holiday to employees on the day of poll for General Election in Assam, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Puduchery and Bye-Election in Tamil Nadu
Grant of Paid holiday to employees on the day of poll for General Election in Assam, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Puduchery and Bye-Election in Ta ...
Covid Vaccination Phase II : Directions to be followed by ECHS Polyclinics – ECHS order dated 08-03-2021
Covid Vaccination Phase II : Directions to be followed by ECHS Polyclinics - ECHS order dated 08-03-2021
Tele: 25683476
Central Organisation ECHS
I ...
Revised Rate of Honorarium payable to Serving, Retired and Eminent Guest Faculty at RAKNPA
Revised Rate of Honorarium payable to Serving, Retired and Eminent Guest Faculty at RAKNPA
F. no. 01-73/2009-Trg.
Government of India
Ministry of C ...