Day: March 9, 2021
Cadre Review – Status of Proposals processed and pending in DoPT as on 05.03.2021
Cadre Review - Status of Proposals processed and pending in DoPT as on 05.03.2021
Status of Cadre Review proposals processed in Cadre Revie ...
Freezing of DA to employees and DR to Pensioners, Govt. will enforce further economy measures to off-set any increase/ केन्द्र सरकार अपने व्ययों में मितव्ययिता उपाय (economy measures) लागू करेगी, ताकि महंगाई एवं अन्य भत्तों के कारण बढ़ोतरी को प्रतिसंतुलित किया जा सके: Finance Commission
Freezing of DA to employees and DR to Pensioners, Govt. will enforce further economy measures to off-set any increase/ केन्द्र सरकार अपने व्ययों में ...